At this point, do we really need spoilers anymore? If you haven't seen it, why are your reading this thread?
I want to go on record as saying I'm 100% sure that Two-face isn't dead.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I also agree that killing Rachel was essential to the larger story arch (i.e. beyond this film). Batman should not have romantic attachments. It's much better that he has one that died, perhaps because of his actions, so to better drive him forward. Romantic attachments do not allow him to do what needs to be done.
It seemed to me that her death showed him how dangerous it could be to fall in love in the same way that the end of Casino Royale showed Bond that trusting anyone would be his downfall.
Originally Posted by Halx
I was mostly bothered by the PG-13 editing. The movie itself was great, but the quick cuts to avoid showing gore were SO obvious.
I personally thought that avoiding anything too violent or gory would have taken away from the movie. I'll be interested to see the director's cut and how different it would have been, but I doubt it will add to the movie rather than take away from the plot.