Originally Posted by sound chaser
"Fair" means an equal playing field. It literally means no bias, dishonesty or
injustice. When the playing field is unequal, it's unfair to whomever has the disadvantage. In the question you asked, the poverty stricken African or Indian would be at a certain economic disadvantage, which is unfair.
Originally Posted by sound chaser
But humans are born differently. Is that really in dispute? is it right to say that all inequity in everything is bad? Isn't it also important to accept oneself for who they are not compare themselves to others?
When inequality means circumstances of squalor for some and excess for others whether or not they work hard and do everything they can to succeed, the yes it's bad. It's symptomatic of a failure or more work to be done.
Accepting one's self has nothing to do with your family starving.