I have quite a few relatives in Ontario, mostly in and around Toronto...a city I really like a lot...but anyway, looking at where Killarney is I see it's on the Georgian Bay. Over the years I've been up in some of those areas with my cousins. We spent a week on a small island in the Georgian Bay, down toward the southeastern end I think it was. I'm pretty sure Native American Canadian Indians owned the island. When we got to the "trading post" along the shore before going out to the island, the owner, who I think was also a NA, asked us if we wanted to rent his boat so we could water ski and fish, so we took him up on it since the price was right. When we saw this boat we looked like a torquoise blue floating '57 Chevy with big fins in back. One late afternoon I took my cousin back to the dock on the mainland since he had somewhere to go and on my way back at about half way to the island the motor just died. Seemed like nothing I did could get it started and I was getting nervous since looking out over the Georgian Bay with dark ominous clouds forming and wind starting to stir up I could only think of the Edmund Fitzgerald going down and that's the direction the wind was blowing me. So I figure I'll give it one more try to start it and if this doesn't work, hell with the boat I'm jumping in and swimming to the island before I get too far to make it. Just then I see a motor boat approaching and and they come close but not right over, there are two Indians in it with rifles...they ask me how come I have their buddy's boat so I explain and tell them my problem...they just smile at each other and tell me "why don't you try connecting the fuel line to the motor?"...this stupid city slicker white man had knocked the line off from the gas tank and if not for their good humored help, perhaps Leonard Cohen would have written a song about me.
well I went fishing...this was on the Brandywine!...I got better with my fly fishing techniques, but caught no fish. I don't really care, I wasn't hunting for dinner, just had fun and some tranquility.
I also love crispy fish skin of all kinds. I sort of look forward to eating fish with other people who peel the skin and put it aside, then I politely ask if they mind if I eat family, too, they take off their fish skins and I eat em. Some sushi stuff also uses crispy fish skin and I eat a lot of sushi/sashimi, etc. As far as trout, once in a while I'll pan fry it with some shallots and butter, then last half minute I throw in some capers and spritz it with a spray of lemon...yum.
I have a funny walleye's true, no less. Many years ago, four or five of us were camping for a few days along a nice creek north of here in PA. My friend's family used to own the land and many years before we were even born his grandfather dynamited out a deep swimming hole, so we liked going there to swim...even nude swimming pretty often...and explore and just have a great time. I think I got a bit too stoned once and went off for a walk by myself to contemplate the universe; I walked up in the creek to see where it was going, most of it was sort of shallow; in a deeper spot that was about 4 feet deep I noticed a fish, so I slowly walked to the spot and now I'm standing about a foot from a good size walleye! and it's just sitting there treading water; so I reach down slowly and actually put my hand on the fish, start to lift it slowly upward and a couple inches from the surface it jumps out of my hand, I got quite startled...but I noticed it just moved over a few feet; so I go over to try again; this time I put one hand under it and one over it about mid point of its body, and slowly come together on it, and then I grab it and lift it out of the water quickly and I GOT IT! So this walleye was one of the bigger freshwater fish I had caught to that point and I got it bare handed
So I walked back to camp with it, occasionally dipping it into water to keep it alive, and then showed it to one of my buddies who had been fishing but only catching small stuff with is fancy equipment. I let it go and it seemed fine.
Talk about the Universe, I like this pic which was just issued by NASA today...a shot of Mars, since the Phoenix Lander finally officially sampled ice today. This is an area west of the Nili Fossae trough on Mars, as seen by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.