I finally saw this last night...
I agree with Ratbastid that Joker didn't plan on Dent's downfall. It was just something that happened along the way that he was able to capitalize upon.
I also like to think that Dent is dead. The reason being that Dent *was* a very stand up guy. He did the right thing. I find it hard to believe that his lapse into the mind set of Two Face would last. Eventually, he would come to his senses and regret his actions. Dying as he did, without the opportunity of remorse is all the more tragic. More tragic = more better.
I also agree that killing Rachel was essential to the larger story arch (i.e. beyond this film). Batman should not have romantic attachments. It's much better that he has one that died, perhaps because of his actions, so to better drive him forward. Romantic attachments do not allow him to do what needs to be done.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke