Originally Posted by twistedmosaic
i stand by my previous statement that no, he has no possible motivation to switch detonators. It would be very un-joker-like.
Here's the two possible scenarios:
Spoiler: Scenario 1: Detonators switched, somebody hits it. You are left with one relieved boat of innocent people and one boat of dead attempted murderers.
Scenario 2: Detonators are not switched, somebody hits it. You are left with a blown up boat of 'innocent' people (innocent being, decided to not hit the switch) and a boat of one murderer and 400 accomplices who have to live with their decision to kill 400 people. Which is more Jokerly? Which introduces more anarchy and chaos into society?
I still don't even see why people think it would be a 'twist' to have them switched...the Joker does not seek justice or to punish wrongdoing, and it would totally spoil the joke.
I guess I missed where you talked about that earlier in the thread. Thanks for clarifying again... I definitely agree with your thinking.
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"Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him."