Originally Posted by ngdawg
yes, you should rank higher than getting drunk and playing guitar, but.....
guys need their toys. Whether it's golf, motorcycles or guitars and beer, they need them.
Yup. And, as shesus said, we need our "toys" too (whatever they may be). It took me a while to realize this as well, but now that I'm married and no longer have long-distance to distract me, I feel much more secure about my husband and I pursuing our own interests now and then, and coming together at the end of the day to talk about what we did, etc. It enrichens our life instead of taking away from it, which is how I used to see it. Plus, we have enough "together" activities to choke a horse
so I don't feel a real lack of anything in that department.
Is there anything going on in the relationship that is making you feel slightly insecure about him spending time on other things? For me, as I said, it was the long-distance (for our first 2 years). Once you can work on that thing, usually you learn to let go of the need to be together all the time, at least in my opinion.