Originally Posted by Hain
For sure it isn't fair price, hence it was in quotation marks. Still, they are buying your gold jewelry for less than it is worth, to sell it for [ideally] more than they paid for. If gold is going down the tubes then this is an incredible risk buying the old now only to hopefully sell it before gold drops.
Nope, it's a 2-cent Euro-coin, so worth a little more than 2 cents.
Let's say you have a ring that has $100 worth of gold in it. It's gonna drop to $50 worth of gold 6 months from now. These jerks give you $25 because it's "old and scratched." They can melt the thing down and sell it as gold, and still make a profit even if the value of gold plummets . . .
Plus, I don't think the gold will necessarily go down the tubes - historically gold has been a pretty safe thing to have as far as retaining its value. However, I'm simply pointing out that the ads are kinda weird. . .
"The economy sucks. Gold is the only way to ensure that your net worth remains about what it is now. So come buy our gold so that we can no longer ensure that our net worth is stable."
Just doesn't pass the sniff test.