Originally Posted by robot_parade
Technically, it was eating the fruit (from the tree of knowledge of good and evil), that caused Adam and Eve to become aware of their nudity.
He knew that--but I think he maybe had a Freudian slip and remembered the snake (nude beach, we saw a lot of them) instead of the apple.
Anyway, for my part... as ktsp said, I enjoyed the whole experience for the most part--very freeing, and so nice to have a full-body tan!--but once I started noticing the nasty perverts with cameras, I started to feel more self-conscious. I had been without bottoms for a while (most other women were also like that--so great to see tons of women with all kinds of hair down there, contrary to porn standards), but I didn't want to stand up and walk down to the water because it was right in front of a group of those guys... and they were all fully clothed, sitting in the mixed area (between the nude and clothed area).
So I put my bottoms on, and we walked further down the beach to a more all-nude area (no mixed), and then I felt comfortable enough to go play in the Mediterranean without bottoms.

Then again, there was some guy "hiding" behind a light pole with a video camera, so I stayed in the water (submerged up to my neck) until the asshole finally left. After that point, I could not really relax again, even though I saw the cops come and get this guy with another camera in the crowd.
I mean, get a fuckin' clue, you know? There's a social contract involved when you go onto a nude beach, and those asshats were violating the whole experience. I don't mean to hate on men (and what appeared to be immigrant men in particular--I hate to say it, but they did not seem to be locals, and thus had a very different social code, I suppose--where it's okay to do this kind of thing), but I didn't see any women with cameras, or leering very obviously at anyone... heh, I was actually averting my eyes from most of the men's packages, to be honest.

But if you ask me, the nude sections of the beach should be fenced off a little bit, only so that a guard of some kind can stand there and search people's bags for cameras on the way in. Then again, there's the problem of cell phone cameras... so I don't know.
I guess, in a way, being on a nude beach is like posting pics in Exhibition. You know that there's always a risk of some creepy people taking advantage of your vulnerability, and that you might end up all over the internet with some guy jacking off to your photos, etc. But it's the risk you take. I do think that it's worth it, at least once. But I would rather be on some kind of regulated beach next time I try it.