Originally Posted by shesus
Interesting stuff, although I have to admit I don't get some of it. I also haven't clicked on the link because I don't have the time right now to read through it. But...
No worries and no hurries...
Thanks, by the way!
Originally Posted by shesus
How do you map it out on the portal? Or is there a key that you choose from?
I made a list of the major areas I spend my time in, which came to 13; 1-Religion (seeking truth), 2-Marriage (love and sex), 3-Relations (friends and family), 4-Work (work), 5-Business (keeping track of my money and how to invest), 6-Cooking (macrobiotics preferred), 7-Cleaning (who wants to live in filth?), 8-Music (I listen, write, and play), 9-Exercise (martial arts and kriya tantra yoga...outer and inner), 10-Study (subjects and means identified), 11-Art (Love Art), 12-Writing (books, forums, letters, etc), 13-hobbies (gotta have fun!).
I made this list after considering where 99% of my time goes. Meditation, feelings, and dreaming are there as well, though they are considered a mix of the of 13 more so then an independent category and appear in my mind too primal to categorize (though they still got definition symbols for tracking). Once I had this list made up, I broke each group down further by 13 times...it was enough to begin with. For example: work...1-full day worked, 2-half day worked, 3-job interview, 4-vocation day, 5-holiday, 6-promotion, 7-applying, 8-late to work, 9-raise!, 10-fired or dismissed, 11-quit, 12-meeting, 13-going independent.
I then drew a rectangle about the same size as one in the middle of the map's units and divided it into 13 areas. Each was assigned to represent one of those areas on the major group. Once they where determined, I began to make a key to provide the symbols for each region, listing 169 symbols and an additional 100 dream symbols.
I used a blend of count, and form...neglecting the potentials of color in my first code. Once the key was made up I began tracking...the first few days where very ackward, though I quickly got the hang of it. I used a paper notebook to write down what I did or what happened in order at the end of the day, and then I added a little rectangle at the bottom of the page. I would then review the key and scribe in the symbols the covered that which happened.
Once or twice a week I would transfer the information from the rectangle box into the calendar. The entire process took roughly 20 minutes a day to upkeep. About 200 days into the process I began having experiences that I hadn't planned for, and in order to keep track of them I added a new category. That gives a brief explanation of how I mapped my time into the portal. To answer your second question, I made the key myself.
How I made the key...I considered how important these areas where to myself, drew a circle in the middle and that represents me (this part involved a considerable amount of philosophical thought)! What goes in that circle represents the most intimate areas of myself...Sex symbols, Prayer and Worship symbols, and my state of mind (feelings...angry, happy, curious, etc- I used ten primes here that all others fit into). Around the circle at the corners and sides...work and business. Above and below- art, writing, music (creative). Connecting one day's circle to the next...the life pulse; which provides information about health activities (exercise, cleaning, cooking and diet).
This ought to answer th second question. I add that the key is personalized, what I do with my time and my own patterns are rather unique, as would be anyone's. I initially recommended to anyone who explores this to use 7 to 13 major categories, though I know think that considering the times, if one keeps track of even one thing they will benefit in the area focused upon, though in order to make a solid day code, one has to try to capture the essence of the patterns of conduct they generate in time. In short, start however feels comfortable, and the only rules here are the ones you make for yourself.
Originally Posted by shesus
I think I'm at the point where I can't even ask questions because it's a very new concept to me.
I understand entirely. Its a lot for the mind to process, and I have been paying close attention to how people react or respond to this. Its quite a range, though the most natural response is the one you just now stated. The questions you have already asked have provided enough to elaborate and add value to the pool of information within this thread...
Originally Posted by shesus
Thanks for sharing it though. I'll dig through it slowly and see what I can get out of it. 
How did I begin this reply...?
No worries and no hurries!
Thanks again,
Feel free to add or ask when the questions or thoughts come to mind!
Best Regards
Originally Posted by nwlinkvxd
Jozen-Bo, this is an interesting concept. I'm not too concerned with the sexual connections and whatnot, but I searched Google for additional information on this concept and saw your posts all over YouTube and various other websites. The one that really caught my eye was your post on computer-forums.net, where you requested help on a project to computerize the construction of these things.
I'd love to talk to you via email or instant messenger and bounce some ideas off you. I am not spiritual, into yoga, tantra, or any combination thereof, but I'm a computer programmer, and I recently did some pondering on a very similar concept as this, which I couldn't quite piece together until now. Let me know what you think.
I want people to at know about this, so they have the liberty to choose to explore it or not. Ain't freedom great!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to talk about the programming part with you...certainly! If this program gets developed I feel it will be a very important key to getting this to develop much faster then by hand, I have literally thousands of configuration patterns in my mind, and there is no way I could ever get them out by hand...though I have a lot of experience with CAD programs and could start pumping them out very quickly with such a program. I'll PM you...