hahaha everyone was going a little ape shit over the bluenose; sadly though I'm from the maritimes and I've seen that thing more times then my dad has told me he loves me more then his motorcycle.
Yeah Leto, I was hoping to see Aberkok but I'm assuming I didn't. It's would be like meeting bruce wayne and saying "He was cool... man I hope I meet batman".
Originally Posted by Willravel
VERY AWESOME! Is it weird to be proud of someone you've never met?
You can certainly be proud of me, because someone has to. When I got home it felt like that five minute Kip Purdue monologue in The Rules Of Attraction without all of the high end drugs. "Got up, met a girl while trying to find a school, took her to lunch, got laid, ended up getting drunk at 4:30 in the afternoon, caught a streetcar going up Spadina, etc." It got almost comical.
Oh, and I'm assuming your proud of my barista barn-burner; I mean, heck yes, what can I say?