Location: The Basement in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Watch a movie in IRC? Why not...
So, sometimes people come to IRC, sometimes it's quiet...
Hell, I've been on IRC since I joined TFP years ago, even when I went like, inactive on the forums for something like two years... Some guy on the chat got me to actually login to the forums again recently, turned out my account was still good...
16:13 < Kyrin> joined 04-30-2003
16:10 < Kyrin> You last visited: 08-15-2005 at 03:16 PM
So, anyway, before I lose people, here's what this is about... a normal evening in IRC, until JumpinJesus pops in...
19:33 -!- JumpinJesus [~JumpinJes@SF-BC11F8A1.alc-bsr1.chi-alc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #tfp
19:37 < JumpinJesus> good evening tfp
19:37 < shesus> tfp say: good evening dummy
19:39 < JumpinJesus> dummies say: good evening, shesus.
19:53 < JumpinJesus> remember when people used to talk here?
19:53 < shesus> barely
19:54 < JumpinJesus> fine. You're all about to get a play by play of Live Free or Die Hard.
19:55 < shesus> *sigh*
19:55 < JumpinJesus> it starts in a few minutes. Get your popcorn while there's still time.
What follows, is EPIC. If you have not seen the movie, then you may consider this a spoiler warning, as what follows, is the movie.
19:59 < JumpinJesus> Movietime!
20:00 < JumpinJesus> this film contains violence, adult language, and adult situations.
20:00 < JumpinJesus> static out of logo
20:00 < JumpinJesus> Bruce Willis
20:00 < JumpinJesus> Live Free or Die Hard
20:01 < JumpinJesus> Lonely hackers talking important but indecipherable stuff.
20:01 < JumpinJesus> she has the stuff now
20:01 < JumpinJesus> Mac guy wants her because she sounds sexy
20:02 < JumpinJesus> Stephen James Co-Produced
20:02 < JumpinJesus> Oh, Snap!
20:02 < JumpinJesus> he hit delete and the 20something hacker and his buddy blew up!
20:02 < JumpinJesus> now an aerial shot of Washington DC
20:02 < JumpinJesus> their screens went blank. WTF?
20:03 < JumpinJesus> now they're back up.
20:03 < JumpinJesus> But we're still confused as to why that happened
20:03 < JumpinJesus> it was an intentional breach
20:03 < JumpinJesus> he wants every hacker in the country that could've done this interviewed now, but that could be thousands of people. He doesn't care. He wants them and he wants them now.
20:04 < JumpinJesus> 20somethings making out to Louis XIV
20:04 < JumpinJesus> she won't let him touch her boobie.
20:04 < JumpinJesus> Bruce Willis!
20:04 < JumpinJesus> kick his ass, Dad!
20:04 < JumpinJesus> she said he was dead
20:04 < JumpinJesus> she may have exaggerated.
20:05 < JumpinJesus> why is he there? She doesn't answer his calls.
20:05 < JumpinJesus> He's way too overprotective.
20:05 < JumpinJesus> wow, she called her daddy (Bruce Willis) an asshole.
20:05 < JumpinJesus> if she wants to talk to him, she'll call him.
20:06 < JumpinJesus> not a time to bond, you young punk, you.
20:06 < JumpinJesus> he drove off in his Honda Civic.
20:06 < JumpinJesus> and Badass Dad Bruce got in his car and is now spying on his daughter.
20:06 < JumpinJesus> he's taking a call.
20:07 < JumpinJesus> He's on his way to pick up a hacker.
20:07 < JumpinJesus> betcha is "Hi. I'm a Mac."
20:07 < JumpinJesus> he's a high value subject. Just escort him to the Hoover building.
20:08 < JumpinJesus> hackers listen to scary music.
20:08 < JumpinJesus> I think we established that in the Matrix, though, right?
20:08 < JumpinJesus> F4RR3LL is talking to him.
20:08 < JumpinJesus> how bad you think?
20:08 < JumpinJesus> damn, they're uploading a virus!
20:08 < JumpinJesus> Oh, no they didn'!
20:09 < JumpinJesus> don't hit delete!!!
20:09 < JumpinJesus> Don't do it!!!
20:09 < JumpinJesus> answer your dorr!
20:09 < JumpinJesus> door!
20:09 < JumpinJesus> *whew*
20:09 < JumpinJesus> it's the NYPD
20:09 < JumpinJesus> in DC?
20:09 -!- amonkie [amonkie@1541E973.E3FB2697.77042C27.IP] has joined #tfp
20:09 -!- mode/#tfp [+o amonkie] by ChanServ
20:09 < JumpinJesus> you matt fowler?
20:09 < JumpinJesus> Matthew Fowler?
20:09 < JumpinJesus> No, he's daisy duke
20:10 < JumpinJesus> he got a lot of shit for it as a kid.
20:10 < JumpinJesus> Mac Boy doesn't know who he's fuckin' wit.
20:10 -!- mode/#tfp [+h JumpinJesus] by amonkie
20:10 <%JumpinJesus> open the door.
20:10 <%JumpinJesus> dude from ER walking quickly
20:10 <%JumpinJesus> Bruce Willis in the house now
20:10 <%JumpinJesus> the feds wanna talk to Mac Boy
20:11 <%JumpinJesus> he's got geek toys and listens to scary music. Is he a member of TFP
20:11 <%JumpinJesus> Bruce willis broke a toy
20:11 <%JumpinJesus> but first he has to power down his gear.
20:11 <%JumpinJesus> look out!
20:11 <%JumpinJesus> they're shooting at him!
20:11 <%JumpinJesus> damn!
20:12 * amonkie throws a banana
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> let's go, come on!
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> stay down!
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> look that way.
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> clear.
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> and the other way.
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> clear.
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> stay with Bruce
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> here they come
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> don't make a sound
20:12 <@amonkie> bam!
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> shit!
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> out the window!
20:12 <%JumpinJesus> get inside! Stay down!
20:13 <%JumpinJesus> block the door with the fridge!
20:13 <%JumpinJesus> Hell yeah!
20:13 <%JumpinJesus> Dudes be cappin' asses.
20:13 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap1
20:13 <%JumpinJesus> through thewall!
20:13 -!- amonkie changed the topic of #tfp to: IJumpinJesus: he's got geek toys and listens to scary music. Is he a member of TFP? (18+)
20:14 <%JumpinJesus> damn, shootin' up everything.
20:14 <%JumpinJesus> reloading
20:14 <%JumpinJesus> Bruce grunts
20:14 < shesus> oh snap nigga whatchu talkin' bout?
20:14 <%JumpinJesus> reloading again.
20:14 <%JumpinJesus> Motherfucker shot his T2 toy!
20:14 <%JumpinJesus> delete!
20:14 <%JumpinJesus> Damn!!
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> scope finds nohting.
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> did you do that?
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> No, I didn't do that.
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> stay down.
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> comeon!
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> come one!
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> on
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> slow it down
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> hey
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> come on
20:15 <%JumpinJesus> stay close
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> uh
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> ugh
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> stay with me
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> stay with me
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> uh
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> come on
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> stay close
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> get in the car
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> go
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> go
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> can you reload agun?
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> who me?
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> can you reload a gun??
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> go to the back seat and get a magazine, now!
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> ungh
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> unhgh
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> huh
20:16 <%JumpinJesus> huh
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> uh
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> snap!
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> get your head down
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> Jesus
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> the circus in town?
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> whoa!
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> did you see that?
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> did I see that? I did it!
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> police emergency asap
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> John McClain
20:17 <%JumpinJesus> NYPD
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> *phone ring*
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> you tell her
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> yah
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> we didn't get him
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> someone else did
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> sexy hacker in tight clothes and knee boots
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> vaguely asian. as always
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> thomas
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> we've got a problem in NJ
20:18 <%JumpinJesus> Fowler's still alive
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> we'll track him down.
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> think you can handle that/
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> ?
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> breathe
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> I AM breathing
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> I'm scared?
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> weren't you scared?
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> Back there?
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> Yeah, I was
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> REally?
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> This is you being scared?
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> so who were those guys?
20:19 <%JumpinJesus> Why did they blowup my goddamn apt??
20:20 <%JumpinJesus> car drives off into the distance
20:20 <%JumpinJesus> We've got 7 dead hackers so far
20:20 < shesus> so that's what's happened to TFP
20:21 <%JumpinJesus> Radio DJ tells us it's the 4th of July weekend
20:21 <%JumpinJesus> they're playing Fortunate Son
20:21 <%JumpinJesus> that's Creedence.
20:21 <%JumpinJesus> Creedence??
20:21 <%JumpinJesus> Creedence Clearwater Revival. It's classic rock
20:21 <@amonkie> hey! you're captioning the movie for me! :D
20:22 * amonkie is in heaven
20:22 < shesus> we should have done this for Andre the Butcher
20:22 <%JumpinJesus> young geeky hacker guys in hoodie sweatshirts doing dastardly things while hot vaguely asian woman watches her monitor
20:22 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy and McClain are bickering over the radio
20:23 <%JumpinJesus> Pearl Jam v. CCR
20:23 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy would be posting in Paranoia
20:23 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap@
20:23 <%JumpinJesus> the hoodie hackers control it all!
20:23 <%JumpinJesus> traffic lights, helicopters, garbage trucks, everything!
20:23 <%JumpinJesus> they're causing mayhem
20:24 <%JumpinJesus> !
20:24 <%JumpinJesus> meanwhile, at the capitol
20:24 <%JumpinJesus> damn, that shit got FUCKED up
20:24 <%JumpinJesus> it's madness in DC on the 4th of July
20:25 <%JumpinJesus> McClain surveys the damage, notices that all the traffic lights are green.
20:25 <%JumpinJesus> He knows something is up and is takin Mac Boy out of the car and into safety
20:25 <%JumpinJesus> they're on foot. can the hoodie hackers track them?
20:26 <%JumpinJesus> mayhem everywhere from Chicago to Amtrack. It's all chaos!
20:26 <@amonkie> hehe yes we shoulda... always a next time
20:26 <%JumpinJesus> meanwhile, Congress is being evacuated
20:26 <%JumpinJesus> the cameras!
20:26 <%JumpinJesus> the Hoodie Hackers can see you!
20:27 <%JumpinJesus> general public pandemonium
20:27 <%JumpinJesus> they're trying to ID the point of origin
20:27 <%JumpinJesus> beginning stage 2
20:27 <%JumpinJesus> what's stage 2??
20:27 <%JumpinJesus> the stock market!
20:27 <%JumpinJesus> No Way!
20:27 <%JumpinJesus> they're already starting to panic
20:27 <%JumpinJesus> of course
20:27 <%JumpinJesus> they are
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> they think that someone's taking their money
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> prep the video package
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> uh-oh....a video package?
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> the military is on scene
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> they just hit the entire financial sector.
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> all of it
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> somewhere, somebody left a digital fingerprint
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> Dud!
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> Dude!
20:28 <%JumpinJesus> McClain brought Fowler, whose name is now oddly Farrell
20:29 <%JumpinJesus> DC appreciates McClain's help, but he's a kooky bureaucrat, he doesn't know anything 'bout kickin' ass
20:29 <%JumpinJesus> or smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo
20:29 <%JumpinJesus> Farrell's the only one left alive.
20:29 <%JumpinJesus> he's an Innocent Hacker.
20:30 <%JumpinJesus> Not a Hoodie
20:30 <%JumpinJesus> Hail to the Chief
20:30 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap
20:30 <%JumpinJesus> using clips of presidents to send their ransom video note.
20:31 <%JumpinJesus> it's an unauthorized broadcast!
20:31 <%JumpinJesus> can McClain sto them in time?
20:31 <%JumpinJesus> He wants telecom, transportation.
20:31 <%JumpinJesus> It's a fire something
20:31 <%JumpinJesus> take out all trans.
20:32 <%JumpinJesus> get rid of all utilities, pretty much everything run by computers
20:32 <%JumpinJesus> ah, a fire sale.
20:32 <%JumpinJesus> they don't believe him!
20:32 <%JumpinJesus> it's because he has crazy hair and dresses slopy
20:32 <%JumpinJesus> sloppy
20:32 <%JumpinJesus> but!
20:32 <%JumpinJesus> But!
20:32 <%JumpinJesus> BUT
20:33 <%JumpinJesus> McClain is a professional, and they wouldn't have sent him if this was Mickey Mouse stuff, ya know?
20:33 <%JumpinJesus> Look around, man.
20:33 <%JumpinJesus> oooh...treated.
20:33 <%JumpinJesus> Will McClain and MacBoy save the day?
20:33 <%JumpinJesus> save the world?
20:33 <%JumpinJesus> they're going to DHS
20:34 <@amonkie> that's my high school
20:34 <%JumpinJesus> oh, no!!
20:34 <%JumpinJesus> the Hoodie Hackers have located Farrell!
20:34 <%JumpinJesus> now hot vaguely asian girl is putting headphones on.
20:34 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy is hungry
20:34 <%JumpinJesus> he wants to go to Arby's.
20:34 <%JumpinJesus> product placement by name.
20:34 <%JumpinJesus> McClain knows that he knows the Hoodie Hackers
20:35 <%JumpinJesus> the Hoodie hackers were Farrell's competition
20:35 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy is explaining everything to McClain, which in turn is supposed to explain everything to us, the viewers.
20:35 <%JumpinJesus> uh-oh
20:35 <%JumpinJesus> it's her!
20:35 <%JumpinJesus> He recognizes her voice!!
20:36 <%JumpinJesus> from the beginning
20:36 <%JumpinJesus> 1
20:36 <%JumpinJesus> !
20:36 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
20:36 <%JumpinJesus> he would know her voice anywhere
20:36 <%JumpinJesus> McClain is going test her.
20:36 <%JumpinJesus> damn, he's good
20:36 <%JumpinJesus> but, they're tracking them.
20:36 <%JumpinJesus> they know him
20:37 <%JumpinJesus> oh.
20:37 <%JumpinJesus> his name is spelled McClane
20:37 <%JumpinJesus> I appologize for all you McClaniacs for spelling it wrong all along
20:37 -!- ARTelevision [test@SF-B2743010.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #tfp
20:37 -!- mode/#tfp [+o ARTelevision] by ChanServ
20:37 <%JumpinJesus> ooo
20:37 <@amonkie> you deserve a spankin for that
20:37 <%JumpinJesus> they just eliminated his 401k
20:37 <%JumpinJesus> McClane won't take his bribe
20:38 <%JumpinJesus> he's a timex watch in a digital age.
20:38 <%JumpinJesus> but McClane won't back down.
20:38 <%JumpinJesus> get down!
20:38 <%JumpinJesus> *I'm guessing that 'get down', 'stay close' and 'stay down' are the most used phrases in this film.*
20:38 <%JumpinJesus> gunfire from air and ground ensues
20:39 <@amonkie> i think they need my hearing aid
20:39 <%JumpinJesus> McClane's driving crazy through the traffic
20:39 <%JumpinJesus> they're being followed by a helicopter.
20:39 <%JumpinJesus> a black one
20:39 <%JumpinJesus> that's firing at them
20:39 <%JumpinJesus> glass is shattering everywhere
20:39 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy is scared
20:40 <%JumpinJesus> they're tracking their movements in the Hoodie Hacker Harem.
20:40 <%JumpinJesus> more driving, helicopter chasing.
20:40 <%JumpinJesus> unnecessary swerving
20:40 <%JumpinJesus> engine revving
20:40 <%JumpinJesus> taking the tunnel
20:40 <%JumpinJesus> so the helicopter can't follow
20:40 <%JumpinJesus> very smart, McClane
20:41 <%JumpinJesus> you win this round
20:41 <%JumpinJesus> will they chase in the copter?
20:41 < shesus> I predict huge crash scene
20:41 <%JumpinJesus> they're openning the gates and redirecting traffic into the tunnel
20:41 < shesus> tension building
20:41 <%JumpinJesus> uh-oh
20:41 <%JumpinJesus> they're openning both sides
20:41 <%JumpinJesus> they're going to cause major traffic problems
20:41 <%JumpinJesus> Hang on!
20:42 <%JumpinJesus> flooring the gas
20:42 <%JumpinJesus> zoiks!
20:42 <%JumpinJesus> that was close
20:42 <%JumpinJesus> traffic from all sides
20:42 <%JumpinJesus> they're shutting out the lights in the tunnel!
20:42 <%JumpinJesus> traffic accidents everywhere!
20:42 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
20:42 <%JumpinJesus> cars flying, glass shattering!
20:43 <%JumpinJesus> it's motorvehicle mayhem
20:43 -!- ARTelevision [test@SF-B2743010.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: ARTelevision]
20:43 <%JumpinJesus> stay here!
20:43 <%JumpinJesus> McClane crawling over cars
20:43 <%JumpinJesus> talking to himself
20:43 <%JumpinJesus> All I gotta do, is pick up a kid from Jersey, drive him to DC!
20:44 <%JumpinJesus> You think a traffic jam, or throwing acar at me is gonna stop me?
20:44 <%JumpinJesus> McClane's back on the road driving fast through the tunnel
20:44 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap!!!!
20:44 <%JumpinJesus> flying car into the helicopter!
20:44 <%JumpinJesus> they all crash!
20:44 <%JumpinJesus> McClane dove out at the last minute!
20:45 <%JumpinJesus> McClane's all banged up
20:45 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy ran up, they're reunited
20:45 <%JumpinJesus> they're on foot now
20:45 <%JumpinJesus> the copter's toast.
20:45 <%JumpinJesus> yet somehow, the pilot survived?
20:45 <%JumpinJesus> they think McClane's dead!
20:45 <%JumpinJesus> they think he's dead!
20:45 <%JumpinJesus> oh, this is so juicy
20:46 <%JumpinJesus> now, McClane can operate undetected
20:46 <%JumpinJesus> someone's putting on a chemsuit
20:46 <%JumpinJesus> anthrax alarm?
20:46 <%JumpinJesus> someone's been shot!
20:46 <%JumpinJesus> they're fakes!
20:46 <%JumpinJesus> oh, man.
20:46 <%JumpinJesus> this is dastardly
20:46 <%JumpinJesus> they're in
20:47 <%JumpinJesus> I'm not sure where they're in, but they're in
20:47 <%JumpinJesus> it's a level 4 security access
20:47 <%JumpinJesus> whereever it is
20:47 <%JumpinJesus> he's got 2 very big metal briefcases
20:47 -!- cynthetiq [~cynthetiq@SF-32899617.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #tfp
20:47 -!- mode/#tfp [+o cynthetiq] by ChanServ
20:47 <%JumpinJesus> and a lot of tattoos
20:47 <%JumpinJesus> that's how we know he's the bad uy
20:47 <%JumpinJesus> the tattoos
20:47 <%JumpinJesus> Mac boy wants McClane to see a doctor
20:48 <%JumpinJesus> meanwhile, back in the security room, tattoo man is opening disk trays
20:48 <%JumpinJesus> and entering passwords
20:48 <%JumpinJesus> he also has a goatee
20:48 <%JumpinJesus> tattoos and goatees=badguy
20:48 <%JumpinJesus> back to Mac Boy and McClane
20:48 <%JumpinJesus> they're fighting through a panicked crowd to the police station
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy has an idea
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> he's on to something
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> it's computers!
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> it's all computers!
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> phone ring
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> vaguely asian girl again
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> shirt more unbuttoned
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> nothing's happening
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> they need patience
20:49 <%JumpinJesus> there it goes
20:50 <%JumpinJesus> they're downloading something
20:50 <%JumpinJesus> something big
20:50 <%JumpinJesus> what is it?
20:50 <%JumpinJesus> McClane and Mac Boy are back on the street
20:50 <%JumpinJesus> ooh, vague asian girl now has a fake FBI badge and a brief case
20:50 <%JumpinJesus> and a gun!
20:50 <%JumpinJesus> what nefariousness is she up to?
20:50 <%JumpinJesus> she's getting on a copter
20:50 <%JumpinJesus> download's now at 20%
20:51 <%JumpinJesus> it's time to move
20:51 <%JumpinJesus> back to McClane and Mac Boy
20:51 <%JumpinJesus> they're in a truck
20:51 <%JumpinJesus> bad guy watching news coverage of his carnage
20:51 <%JumpinJesus> FAA just grounded all flights
20:51 <%JumpinJesus> NSA has shown up
20:51 <%JumpinJesus> the feds are taking over.
20:52 <%JumpinJesus> I bet they've never dealt with McClane before.
20:52 <%JumpinJesus> boy, are they in for a surprise
20:52 <%JumpinJesus> he doesn't always follow the rules
20:52 <%JumpinJesus> shot of McClane and capitol
20:52 <%JumpinJesus> don't use the phone, they've probably cracked it
20:52 <%JumpinJesus> it's McClane on the phone with the feds
20:53 <%JumpinJesus> he's briefing them
20:53 <%JumpinJesus> wait, what's he see in the window?
20:53 <%JumpinJesus> uh-oh
20:53 <%JumpinJesus> another broadcast?
20:53 <%JumpinJesus> the Hoodie Hackers strake again!
20:53 <%JumpinJesus> "what if this is just the beginning
20:54 <%JumpinJesus> what if you're hurt and no one can help
20:54 <%JumpinJesus> what if help will never come?
20:54 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
20:54 <%JumpinJesus> the capitol just assploded!
20:54 <%JumpinJesus> feds on the run trying to get McClane
20:54 <%JumpinJesus> wait!
20:54 <%JumpinJesus> it's fake!
20:55 <%JumpinJesus> the capitol didn't really assplode!
20:55 <%JumpinJesus> It was a computer trick!
20:55 <%JumpinJesus> it's computers
20:55 <%JumpinJesus> uh-oh cell phone satellites are down.
20:55 <%JumpinJesus> more Mac Boy gibberish
20:56 <%JumpinJesus> McClane just wants Mac Boy to help
20:56 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy is explaining how a fire sale works
20:56 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy is going to do something.
20:56 <%JumpinJesus> with a cell phone
20:56 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy is really smart
20:57 <%JumpinJesus> McClane is going to Middleton, WV where the power grid is!
20:57 <%JumpinJesus> the feds swept the building but it's clean! It's all clean!
20:58 <%JumpinJesus> It's a fake, that's what it is
20:58 <%JumpinJesus> funny moment showing McClane's physical strength and Mac Boy's physical weakness
20:59 <%JumpinJesus> oops
20:59 <%JumpinJesus> sorry, got caught up
20:59 <%JumpinJesus> they're trying to fake out onstar!
21:00 <%JumpinJesus> wait, onstar on a BMW?
21:00 <%JumpinJesus> wtf?
21:00 <%JumpinJesus> they're on their way!
21:00 <%JumpinJesus> let's hope the can save the day
21:00 <%JumpinJesus> because the Hoodie Hackers were in a copter
21:00 <%JumpinJesus> they're already in WV
21:00 <%JumpinJesus> and vague asian girl just karate chopped the security guy!
21:00 <%JumpinJesus> they're already there!
21:01 <%JumpinJesus> McClane better hurry if he wants to save the world
21:01 <%JumpinJesus> character development moment
21:01 <%JumpinJesus> McClane and Mac Boy having talk on drive to WV
21:01 <%JumpinJesus> you know what you get for bein' a hero? Nothin'
21:02 <%JumpinJesus> McClane is talking about appreciating the small things in life.
21:02 <%JumpinJesus> was that cedric the entertrainer?
21:02 <%JumpinJesus> entertrainer?
21:02 <%JumpinJesus> hehe
21:02 <%JumpinJesus> it's night time at the power plant
21:02 <%JumpinJesus> here's McClane and Mac boy
21:02 <%JumpinJesus> they've arried
21:03 <%JumpinJesus> arrived
21:03 <%JumpinJesus> vague asian girl doing undecipherable hacker stuff
21:03 <%JumpinJesus> shutting down power grid!
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> oh, no!
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy was right!
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> they've got company
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> how would they shut down the power plant?
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> they're on their way to the 4th floor
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> who'll get there first!
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> take the stairs!
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> keep up!
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> I am keeping up!
21:04 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> hand to hand combat!
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> shot in the foot!
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> shot in the chest!
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> you go, McClane!
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> kick ass!
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> let's go
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> let's go
21:05 < shesus> he's leaving the gun and taking mac boy
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> hehe
21:05 < shesus> mac boy must be the canoli in this movie
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> intel's fairly certain the terrorists are mobile
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> that guy is a fake!
21:05 <%JumpinJesus> how does he know?
21:06 <%JumpinJesus> more tapping on the computer by vague asian girl
21:06 <%JumpinJesus> McClane!!!
21:06 <%JumpinJesus> got her!
21:06 <%JumpinJesus> you go, McClane!!
21:06 <%JumpinJesus> take her out!
21:06 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
21:06 <%JumpinJesus> she got him!
21:06 <%JumpinJesus> she's karate chopping him everywhere!
21:06 <%JumpinJesus> he's getting his buttocks licked!
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> knocked her down!
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> punching her in the face
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> throwing her into tech shelves
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> She's out cold!
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> McClane!
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> McLovin'!
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy!
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> uh-oh
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> she's up
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> smack!
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> kick!
21:07 <@spec> Oh shit, it's the cops!
21:07 <%JumpinJesus> precariously hanging!
21:08 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy getting his ass kicked
21:08 <%JumpinJesus> McClane on the ground outside
21:08 <%JumpinJesus> will he get back in in time?
21:08 <%JumpinJesus> will vage asian girl rue the day she messed with McClane?
21:08 <%JumpinJesus> guns
21:08 <%JumpinJesus> she's got a gun
21:08 <%JumpinJesus> she knows what's she's doing to the country
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> McClane in a car!!
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> he's driving into the room?
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> here he goes!
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> hit her with a car
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> she's on the hood
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> he's still driving
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> man with a gun sees and chases
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> she's still alive
21:09 <%JumpinJesus> !
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> he crashed into an elevator shaft and their both hanging precariously by the car
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> or, the elevator cable
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> damn!
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> there goes the car!
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> careening to the floor below
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> whoa!
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> hold on, John!
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> don't let go it's a long way down!
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> fight fight fight
21:10 <%JumpinJesus> hang on to the cable
21:11 <%JumpinJesus> who will prevail?
21:11 <%JumpinJesus> McClane or vague asian girl?
21:11 <%JumpinJesus> uh oh
21:11 <%JumpinJesus> the car won't hold much longer
21:11 <%JumpinJesus> vague asian girl is gone. McClane's being shot at.
21:11 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy!
21:11 <%JumpinJesus> where'd he get the baseball bat?
21:12 <%JumpinJesus> uh oh! she's got a gun!
21:12 <%JumpinJesus> whew!
21:12 <%JumpinJesus> the car just fell down the shaft with vague asian girl in it.
21:12 <%JumpinJesus> she's gone
21:12 <%JumpinJesus> but!!
21:12 <%JumpinJesus> the Hoodie Hackers are still around!
21:13 <%JumpinJesus> he's spamming them!
21:13 <%JumpinJesus> he's "e-bombing" them!
21:13 <%JumpinJesus> uh-oh
21:13 <%JumpinJesus> your fire sale's over
21:14 <%JumpinJesus> so pack up your little circus or I'm gonna come and kick your ass
21:14 <%JumpinJesus> You...have...no...idea...who...I...am!
21:14 <%JumpinJesus> he's not McClane, that's for darned tootin'!
21:14 <%JumpinJesus> get the feds on the horn!
21:15 <%JumpinJesus> it's Thomas Gabriel!
21:15 <%JumpinJesus> he was DoD's chief programmer for security!
21:15 <%JumpinJesus> he's not exactly people friendly
21:15 <%JumpinJesus> when he went public, they crucified him. He disappeared.
21:15 <%JumpinJesus> uh-oh...the Hoodie Hackers are sending all the gas lines to the power plant!
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> explosions coming!!!!
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> action movie staples!!
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> big assplosions!
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> run, McClane!
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> run Mac Boy!
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> run!
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> run!
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> run!
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> did they survive?
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> wait until the dust settles
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> wait for it....
21:16 <%JumpinJesus> wait for it....
21:17 <%JumpinJesus> Hoodie Hackers are smirking..they think they've won.
21:17 <%JumpinJesus> but...
21:17 <%JumpinJesus> I hear movement
21:17 <%JumpinJesus> McClane!!!!
21:17 <%JumpinJesus> Mac Boy!!!
21:17 <%JumpinJesus> let's go
21:17 <%JumpinJesus> come onw
21:17 <%JumpinJesus> we gotta get outa here
21:18 -!- JJ [~JumpinJes@SF-BC11F8A1.alc-bsr1.chi-alc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #tfp
21:18 < JJ> all the electricity is out!
21:18 < shesus> you meant literally...lol
21:18 < JJ> it's all out!
21:18 < JJ> hey hey hey!
21:18 < JJ> do you want me to help you? We gotta go see the warlock. It's our only hope.
21:19 < JJ> they're taking the helicopter
21:19 < JJ> McClane can fly??
21:19 < JJ> damn
21:19 < JJ> they say taking off's the hardest part
21:19 < JJ> you do have your license, right? to fly this thing?
21:20 < JJ> that's good. That's pretty good
21:20 < JJ> how we gonna find warlock's house
21:20 < JJ> umm...it's probably the one with the light's still on
21:20 < JJ> *who is warlock?*
21:20 -!- JumpinJesus [~JumpinJes@SF-BC11F8A1.alc-bsr1.chi-alc.il.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Ping timeout]
21:20 -!- JJ is now known as JumpinJesus
21:21 < JumpinJesus> they're landing
21:21 < JumpinJesus> he hit the fence!
21:21 < JumpinJesus> damn, McClane!
21:21 < JumpinJesus> warning klaxon going off
21:21 < JumpinJesus> let's go
21:21 < JumpinJesus> they're on their way to the warlock
21:21 < JumpinJesus> whose house is the only one with the power still on
21:21 < JumpinJesus> we're meeting the warlock
21:21 < JumpinJesus> his name is freddy
21:21 < JumpinJesus> his mother is quite a character!
21:22 < JumpinJesus> he's got toys
21:22 < JumpinJesus> lots of them
21:22 < JumpinJesus> it's Kevin Smith?????
21:22 < JumpinJesus> wtf????
21:22 < JumpinJesus> he's got geek toys, too
21:23 -!- cynthetiq [~cynthetiq@SF-32899617.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: ]
21:23 < JumpinJesus> Kevin fucking Smith?
21:23 < JumpinJesus> it's a command center!
21:23 < JumpinJesus> it's a basement!
21:23 < JumpinJesus> it's a command center!
21:23 < JumpinJesus> I want you out!
21:23 < JumpinJesus> get out of here
21:24 < JumpinJesus> McClane: You're gonna tell me what I wanna know or I'm gonna beat you to death.
21:24 < JumpinJesus> we're learning about Thomas Gabriel
21:24 < JumpinJesus> Freddy knows all about him.
21:24 < JumpinJesus> Thomas Gabriel's a ghost, man!
21:25 < JumpinJesus> this warlock guy. He don't like the cops...but he don't like evil, either, man.
21:25 < JumpinJesus> they're doing hacker stuff
21:25 < JumpinJesus> Kevin Smith??
21:25 < JumpinJesus> really?
21:26 < JumpinJesus> meanwhile, back at Hoodie Hacker Harem.
21:26 < JumpinJesus> they're on to warlock
21:26 < JumpinJesus> they're after McClane's daughter!
21:26 < JumpinJesus> they'll stoop to any level.
21:27 < JumpinJesus> they're talking on webcam
21:27 < JumpinJesus> but hey, I'm still alive.
21:27 < JumpinJesus> McClane's fuckin' with him, man. He's hard CORE!
21:28 < JumpinJesus> uh-oh
21:29 < JumpinJesus> father-daughter moment.
21:29 < JumpinJesus> that was nice
21:29 <@amonkie> bring back memories/
21:29 < JumpinJesus> McClane's daughter is trapped in an elevator. Gabriel called her pretending to be emergency services. He's that evil!!
21:29 < JumpinJesus> McClane's not making any jokes now
21:29 < JumpinJesus> uh-oh. It's gonna get messy
21:29 < JumpinJesus> McClane's doing Mac Boy a favor.
21:30 < JumpinJesus> dont' get in the car, Mac Boy
21:30 < JumpinJesus> I said don't get in!
21:30 < JumpinJesus> what are you, stupid?
21:30 < JumpinJesus> buckle up
21:30 < JumpinJesus> they're driving to his daughter
21:30 < JumpinJesus> that's a long way
21:30 < JumpinJesus> it's a fake badge!!
21:31 < JumpinJesus> they got to his daughter!!
21:31 < JumpinJesus> oh, no!
21:31 < JumpinJesus> what now!
21:31 < JumpinJesus> ?, i mean
21:31 < JumpinJesus> it's completely deada
21:31 < JumpinJesus> gabriel shut down all the satellite links.
21:31 < JumpinJesus> I'm sorry about lucy, man
21:31 < JumpinJesus> It's my fault you got into this. This wasn't your fight.
21:32 < JumpinJesus> they've got McClane's daughter, and boy is she feisty!
21:32 < JumpinJesus> they're tying her to a chair.
21:32 < JumpinJesus> gabriel is one cold-ass mu'fucka'
21:32 < JumpinJesus> Hoodie Hackers gonna die
21:32 < JumpinJesus> where the hell are they?
21:32 < JumpinJesus> McClane's sneaking up on someone
21:33 < JumpinJesus> so is Mac Boy.
21:33 < JumpinJesus> but he's not the star so we don't care.
21:33 < JumpinJesus> he's climbing down a ladder
21:33 < JumpinJesus> there's a breach on the exterior vent
21:33 < JumpinJesus> they're gonna go take a look
21:33 < JumpinJesus> it's McClane, of course,
21:33 < JumpinJesus> and Mac boy won't shut up as they sneak up
21:34 < JumpinJesus> Hi, I'm a Mac. I'll blow your cover.
21:34 < JumpinJesus> lift the heavy door, you strong strong man, John Mcclane
21:34 < JumpinJesus> look pensive
21:34 < JumpinJesus> there you go.
21:34 < JumpinJesus> pensive....pensive.....
21:34 < JumpinJesus> Mac boy's gonna hack in, trip the alarm, and alert Bowman.
21:35 < JumpinJesus> woodlawn?
21:35 < JumpinJesus> uh-oh
21:35 < JumpinJesus> woodlawn is NSA. It's a failsafe they built to back up all financial information in MD.
21:35 < JumpinJesus> it's the accumulated wealth of America all in one location!
21:36 -!- ono|away [~onodrim@SF-42EAE3A9.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
21:36 -!- JJ [~JumpinJes@SF-BC11F8A1.alc-bsr1.chi-alc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #tfp
21:36 < JJ> they need to stay out of his way
21:37 < JJ> get away from the bag! now!
21:37 < JJ> we've been waiting for you.
21:37 < JJ> gunshots!
21:37 < JJ> ricochet!
21:37 < JJ> hanging precariously again!
21:37 < JJ> action!
21:37 < JJ> falling down stairs!
21:37 < JJ> McClane!
21:37 < JJ> McClane!
21:37 < JJ> Mac Boy's hurt!
21:37 < JJ> he's alone and it's cold where he is!
21:38 < JJ> there's an industrial fan they just showed. Foreshadowing.
21:38 < JJ> tattoo man is taking a weapon and going to the cooling tower 7
21:38 < JJ> find me some goddamn helicopters!
21:38 < JJ> meanwhile, back in DC
21:38 < JJ> where's my daughter?
21:38 -!- JumpinJesus [~JumpinJes@SF-BC11F8A1.alc-bsr1.chi-alc.il.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Ping timeout]
21:39 < JJ> Hey I think uh Russo's on his way to meet your girlfriend.
21:39 < JJ> dickhead
21:39 < JJ> I'm on the third floor, and I'm comin' to getcha
21:39 < JJ> you fuckin' GO, McClane!
21:39 -!- JJ is now known as JumpinJesus
21:40 < JumpinJesus> Mac Boy's still all alone
21:40 < JumpinJesus> will he find his way out, or will he be captured by Gabriel's goons?
21:40 < JumpinJesus> he found something!
21:40 < JumpinJesus> you go, mac boy
21:40 < JumpinJesus> hack that code!
21:40 < JumpinJesus> he did it!
21:40 < JumpinJesus> he opened the door!
21:41 < JumpinJesus> all by hisself
21:41 < JumpinJesus> here he goes.
21:41 < JumpinJesus> unarmed into a room with 4 unattended laptops.
21:41 < JumpinJesus> he'll be captured fo sho'
21:41 -!- onodrim [~onodrim@SF-42EAE3A9.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #tfp
21:41 -!- mode/#tfp [+h onodrim] by ChanServ
21:41 < JumpinJesus> he's downloading all the financial information!
21:42 < JumpinJesus> mac boy is going to save the geeky day while McClane will save the kickass day
21:42 < JumpinJesus> uh-oh
21:42 < JumpinJesus> tattoo man found mac boy
21:42 < JumpinJesus> gabriel and mcclane are exchanging one-liners now
21:43 < JumpinJesus> just sit tight, asshole, I gotta check for ya.
21:43 < JumpinJesus> they're using his little girl now
21:43 < JumpinJesus> hang on, lucy. I'm comin'
21:43 < JumpinJesus> oooh....gabby slapped her
21:44 < JumpinJesus> mac boy and lucy!
21:44 < JumpinJesus> they're gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend after all this!
21:44 < JumpinJesus> oops. I hope that wasn't a spoiler
21:45 < JumpinJesus> they're sending a fighter jet to woodlawn to stop the Hoodie HackersQ!
21:45 < JumpinJesus> you might wanna start thinkin 'bout what you want on your headstone.
21:45 < JumpinJesus> hold still spider boy!
21:45 < JumpinJesus> That's right
21:45 < JumpinJesus> uh-oh, mcClane is hanging precariously from the pipe
21:46 < JumpinJesus> there's a lot of precarious hanging in this movie.
21:46 < JumpinJesus> turn the lever!
21:46 < JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
21:46 < JumpinJesus> dude got To' UP!
21:46 < JumpinJesus> theyr'e moving lucy and mac boy.
21:46 < JumpinJesus> will mcClane be able to track them?
21:46 < JumpinJesus> will he ever get his daughter back?
21:47 < JumpinJesus> will mac boy be more than a stock character?
21:47 < JumpinJesus> lots of helicopters flying
21:47 < JumpinJesus> McClane is riding on the top of a semi.
21:47 < JumpinJesus> you nut, John
21:47 < JumpinJesus> shooting the driver!
21:47 < JumpinJesus> dayum!
21:47 < JumpinJesus> now McClane's behind the wheel
21:48 < JumpinJesus> they're all there
21:48 < JumpinJesus> smacked mac boy!
21:48 < JumpinJesus> gabriel you cheeky monkey
21:48 < JumpinJesus> something's wrong
21:48 < JumpinJesus> here comes McClane!
21:48 < JumpinJesus> that would be my dad
21:48 < JumpinJesus> action music!
21:49 < JumpinJesus> Kevin fucking Smith?
21:49 < JumpinJesus> warlock, I need you to do whatever it is you do to patch me through to the FBI
21:49 < JumpinJesus> Freddy, goddammit they have my daughter!
21:49 < JumpinJesus> I can do that. Hold on
21:50 < JumpinJesus> thank you
21:50 < JumpinJesus> helicopters
21:50 < JumpinJesus> they're locked on to gabriel
21:50 < JumpinJesus> It's all over now.
21:50 < JumpinJesus> I bet
21:50 < JumpinJesus> McClane, where is Farrell?
21:51 < JumpinJesus> If something happens to me, you gotta send in the cavalry
21:51 < JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
21:51 < JumpinJesus> McClane takin' out cars
21:51 < JumpinJesus> here comes a fighter jet
21:51 < JumpinJesus> did you get the go codes
21:51 < JumpinJesus> can you connect me to the pilot
21:51 < JumpinJesus> that's some crazy drivin'
21:52 < JumpinJesus> they're arming the fighter jet!
21:52 < JumpinJesus> they're pretending to be air traffic controllers.
21:52 < JumpinJesus> They're gonna blow up McClanes truck!!
21:52 < JumpinJesus> oh, no!
21:52 < JumpinJesus> look out!
21:52 < JumpinJesus> drive, McClane, drive!
21:53 < JumpinJesus> you can do it!
21:53 < JumpinJesus> they're blowing up the freeway!
21:53 < JumpinJesus> oh, nsap!
21:53 < JumpinJesus> snap, I mean
21:53 < JumpinJesus> okay, the fighter jet is taking on McClane's semi
21:54 < JumpinJesus> he's doing this because the bad guys tricked the fighter jet into thinking the semi is the terrorist truck.
21:54 < JumpinJesus> oh, damn!
21:54 < JumpinJesus> come on, McClane!
21:54 < JumpinJesus> you can get through this!
21:54 -!- shesus [~sheus@SF-BC11F8A1.alc-bsr1.chi-alc.il.cable.rcn.com] has quit [Quit: Bye, Bye Butterfly]
21:54 < JumpinJesus> he's hanging precariously in his semi on the broken freeway
21:55 < JumpinJesus> uh, oh, the fighter's been damaged.
21:55 < JumpinJesus> but that's good because otherwise he would've killed Mc....WTF???
21:55 < JumpinJesus> McClane's hanging on to the fighter jet?
21:55 < JumpinJesus> he fell out of his semi and is now on the wing of the jet
21:56 < JumpinJesus> now he fell, the jet crashed and assploded
21:56 < JumpinJesus> but the pilot ejected. No good guys are allowed to die.
21:56 < JumpinJesus> it's all fire and mayhem.
21:56 < JumpinJesus> damn, McClane, you're one tough Motherfucker
21:56 < JumpinJesus> now he's running to catch up toe gabriel
21:57 < JumpinJesus> who has just driven into some kind of warehouse with mac boy and Mcclane's daughter, Lucy
21:57 < JumpinJesus> the feds didn't make it there in time.
21:57 < JumpinJesus> they're still flying in their copters
21:57 < JumpinJesus> damn!
21:57 < JumpinJesus> he just shot mac boy!
21:57 < JumpinJesus> in the kneecap!
21:58 < JumpinJesus> Lucy's next if mac boy doesn't get that code
21:58 < JumpinJesus> feds are on the way
21:58 < JumpinJesus> they've got a plane
21:58 < JumpinJesus> oh, snap!
21:58 < JumpinJesus> it's mcClane!
21:58 < JumpinJesus> he just ook out 2 Hoodie Hackers
21:58 < JumpinJesus> but wait!
21:58 < JumpinJesus> he's down!
21:58 < JumpinJesus> oh, no
21:58 < JumpinJesus> is this the end of McClane?
21:58 < JumpinJesus> look out!
21:59 < JumpinJesus> this is a close one
22:00 < JumpinJesus> mac boy is trying to bargain with him.
22:00 < JumpinJesus> this is curtains for mcClane
22:00 < JumpinJesus> yippie ky yay, motherfucker!!!
22:00 < JumpinJesus> you go, McClane!!!
22:00 < JumpinJesus> he did it!!
22:00 < JumpinJesus> McClane saved the day!
22:01 <%onodrim> wtf?
22:01 < JumpinJesus> and NOW the feds show up
22:01 < JumpinJesus> it's about damn time.
22:01 < JumpinJesus> the feds are never there when you need them.
22:01 < JumpinJesus> helicopters flying
22:01 < JumpinJesus> sirens wailing
22:01 <%onodrim> are you providing running commentary on a movie or something?
22:01 < JumpinJesus> heh
22:01 < JumpinJesus> yeah, live free or die hard
22:01 <%onodrim> McClane...is that Die Hard?
22:02 <%onodrim> ah, yup
22:02 < JumpinJesus> another father/daughter moment.
22:02 < JumpinJesus> McClane approaches mac boy
22:02 <%onodrim> oh is that the last one? I saw the last 15 minutes or so. It was ridiculous
22:02 < JumpinJesus> they're bonding over being shot
22:02 <%onodrim> lol "mac boy"
22:02 <%onodrim> I get it now
22:02 < JumpinJesus> heh
22:02 < JumpinJesus> there's some talk about mac boy and his daughter
22:02 -!- onodrim is now known as SecretMethod
22:03 < JumpinJesus> McClane threatening to beat mac boy's ass if he even thinks about his daughter
22:03 < JumpinJesus> daughter is asking about mac boy
22:03 < JumpinJesus> she's interested in mac boy
22:03 < JumpinJesus> exit music
22:03 < JumpinJesus> CCR's Fortunate Son
22:04 < JumpinJesus> panning up shot
22:04 < JumpinJesus> Kevin fucking Smith??
22:04 < JumpinJesus> a lot of stunt people
22:04 < JumpinJesus> more stunt actors than credited actors
22:04 < JumpinJesus> made in association with dune entertainment
22:05 < JumpinJesus> second unite director brian smirz
22:05 < JumpinJesus> unit, that is.
22:05 < JumpinJesus> 1st assistant editor ken terry
22:05 < JumpinJesus> key hair stylist scott cameron
22:05 < JumpinJesus> hydraulics don gray
22:06 < JumpinJesus> research consultant charline st. charles
22:06 < JumpinJesus> adr editor tammy fearing
22:06 < JumpinJesus> end titles pacific title
22:06 < JumpinJesus> loader tucker korte
22:07 < JumpinJesus> medic jason juman
22:07 < Kyrin> closed captioning by JJ :P
22:07 < JumpinJesus> extras casting mandy sprinkel
22:07 < JumpinJesus> many digital artists
22:07 < JumpinJesus> music editors joe rand jim schultz
22:08 < JumpinJesus> many thanks from the editors
22:08 < JumpinJesus> prints by deluxe
22:08 < JumpinJesus> lenses and cameras by clarimont
22:08 < JumpinJesus> and in case you were wondering, this was all fictitious and any resemblance to any persons or events living or dead is purely coincidental.
22:09 < JumpinJesus> and.......
22:09 < JumpinJesus> fin.
My opinions are my own, you may or may not agree with them, but those are your opinions, which I also may or may not agree with.