07-06-2008, 04:13 AM
#214 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ok....here are my thoughts:
While I absolutely hate what was done to Donna, to me it was a fate worse than actual death, I will console myself with the fact that it means she can actually be on the show again at some point in the future..while I didnt like her at first she grew on me a LOT and I ended up loving her.
David Tennant's acting is beyond superb, what that man can get across with just a look on his face is awe inspiring, the looks when Davros was talking about the people that had died for him, and the look on his face when he left Rose on the beach with the other doctor just tore me to pieces.
I knew the hand was going to have some effect on the regen and to me it wasnt a cop out, my only issue is it should have been "used up" then and not been able to come into play to give us the doctor donna and the other doctor.
I've known for weeks that Martha was going to Torchwood, but I hadnt heard anything about Mickey, thats a pleasant surprise.
Rose....eh, never could stand her and she wasnt anything outstanding in this episode
Dalek Caan.....WHOA who would have thought THAT twist? it was excellent. Though I wasnt real jazzed with the "star wars" like storyline of Davros pretty much being a Darth Vadar and not really his own man
German Daleks....loved it 
Wilfred at the end, had me in tear...but we all thought we'd lost Rose and obviously we didnt, so there is hope for Donna
I really wanted to see the Master come back into play, but can understand why he didnt
all in all I cannot complain a lot, it was a most awesome episode
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!