Originally Posted by dc_dux
I think the larger issue is that NO right is absolute....that applies to speech, religion, guns, etc.
The Court affirmed that in the DC decision when Scalia, writing for the majority said: "Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapons whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose..."
And this is where we, as the supposedly soveriegn power of this country, screwed up royally. We allowed politicians to play on fears and tell us that we had too many rights and freedoms and we needed to limit these to less than absolute rights so that the government could protect us. It was never the authority of government to provide for our safety and security except in the manner of fighting foreign invasion and protecting our rights.
By accepting that government would make efforts to 'protect' us from our fellow citizens, instead of handling that responsibility for ourselves, we've allowed government, whose sole purpose is to limit freedom, from incrementally reducing our rights to token ideas at the whim of black robed tyrants, who usually do nothing more than further limit those rights.
So much for the American spirit.