Assuming you're taking about a "sailboat"...
I'd give the Willamette Sailing Club a call or e-mail. I'm sure they're on-line or at least in the book. Not sure about now but they used to give lessons pretty cheap. If nothing else I think they can set you up for a day trip on a small S/V to see if you're actually in interested.
And Snowy (as usual) is correct. You need a license to operate pretty much any power or sail vessel in Oregon. Not sure about now but you used to be able to take an on-line course and test. There was a time then if you were over "X" age you didn't one. I think over the years it got to where everyone needed one. I know one year I didn't need it and then when springer Salmon season started the next year I did. I ended up not fishing one weekend due to lack of license. I did the on-line course. Think it ran me $35. More pain in the ass then anything else, for me anyway. I spent time in the Navy, owned a boat most of my life, built one boat, had my private pilot ticket. The course on line I took requires you spend "X" of time on each subject. I keep having to come back to the computer to see if I could move to the next subject. I spent a couple hours relearning stuff about relative bearings and "red, right, returning." Most of the questions were stuff like "If you're really drunk you should- A. Make sure at least one other person on the boat isn't as drunk as you. B. Drink a lot of coffee. C. Go boating another day when you're not really drunk." There were question like that but there were also a lot of right of way, navigation and buoy marking questions.
I think you can still do the course on-line if not check out the Coast Guard web page, I think they offer in person classes.
I used to drink to drown my sorrows, but the damned things have learned how to swim- Frida Kahlo
Vice President Starkizzer Fan Club
Last edited by Tully Mars; 07-05-2008 at 08:59 AM..