1. Do unto other as you want others to do unto you.
I think this is universally understood.
2. The examined life is not worth living.
One of my favorites teachings from Socrates. The way I interpret it is, learn from your mistakes and grow with each experience you have. If you don't, you have just wasted your time.
3. Bring joy to others.
I think this is the true definition of virtue.
4. Be true to yourself.
If you can't respect yourself, no one will respect you.
5. Live life!
Life is too short to constantly be worrying about money and not taking chances. Want that big tv? Buy it! Want that new car? Buy it! Just be responsible. But remember the only regrets in life are those risks you don't take! Don't play the what if game after the fact!
Ok so that was more than five disguised as five.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss