Mean-spirited? I guess I'll have to see it to be able to say...but asking people why they believe what they believe and then pointing out the inconsistencies seems like a reasonable premise for a documentary to me. I'm sure Maher will throw a little sardonic humor in, and he'll take some pot shots...but talking to the Puerto Rican guy who claims to be Jesus Christ and the Anti-Christ, and then making fun of him is just fine with me. Asking a guy dressed up like Jesus (or whatever that opening scene is) when God is going to smite Satan seems reasonable. Seriously, your philosophical/theological tenants are some of the most important decisions you'll have to make in your life. You should be able to explain them in a quasi-lucid fashion. Especially if you've been exposed to the crazy-nuts propaganda that comes out from evangelical and fundamentalist institutions in the way of religious documentaries and so forth. It might be shooting fish in a barrel and/or preaching to the choir - but I don't really see a problem with it. Other than that I suspect it will be moderately boring.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style