Originally Posted by Lubeboy
My department works closely with his department. Lately he's been making a lot of bad calls and it's impacting the quality of our work. Unfortunately the higher ups don't really see this.
jazz: i think that answers your questions. if i were in your shoes
lube, i'd make a list of the situations in which his performance is negatively affecting your ability to do your job. then i'd find someone in upper management that i thought i could trust...hopefully someone with whom you have a slightly personal relationship, even if it's just a friendship that stays completely in the office. i'd tell them that i'm having problems stemming from the things on your list. i wouldn't bring up the coke - but i would want to firewall my performance from this other guy's performance. at the least, i'd have a personal document trail so that if the shit started to fly, i'd be able to account for my own decision-making processes. it really depends on the degree to which his decisions were affecting my performance. if i couldn't do my job correctly because of him, i'd take that issue to said manager. i'm not about narcing on people at work - i am about removing obstacles to me being able to perform my job.