Originally Posted by hannukah harry
so i came across an article that mentions that Bush wants to get bin Laden before his term as president is up
I read that, too. I remember thinking to myself "wishful thinking, or has he not been trying his best so far?" Regardless, I agree that even if this did happen it'd be irrelevant.
Originally Posted by hannukah harry
anyway, what i'm curious about, now that his second term is nearing it's end, what do you think were the successes and failures of his presidency? i'm still pretty up in the air on it, there isn't much i think he did that was positive or good, but i don't necessarily know enough about things outside Iraq and the 'war on terror.'
so what do you guys and gals think? where did he succeed and fail?
His failures are too numerous to mention. Still, he has inspired this generation to be involved in politics and pay attention to what's going on in the world. Good presidents eventually create apathy from comfort. Bad presidents activate self preservation. Without Bush, I'd not be as involved in politics.