How secure are the front doors and walls of windows?
Do a drive by late at night for a short spell. A couple of times, if possible. Do you hear any noises such as trains/cars/factories/clubs/neighbors/etc that would keep you awake at night? If you prefer quiet, is it quiet? If you prefer noise, is it noisy?
What is the traffic like first thing in the morning in each area, when you would be trying to get to work? You could find this out from an ODOT cam, if there is one in the area. Even a bus can get caught in those snares, but the Max doesn't. I hate how those PDX commutes can double at rush hour. Do you have to change buses? Do the bus drivers smile and pass out candy?
Do you take public transport to the grocery store? How many blocks/buses do you have to contend with those bags?
I couldn't tell you how to find out how many police calls are made in the areas, but I've avoided areas before that I knew were trouble areas. It sounds like you have an idea of how safe each area is, though, if you've had your eye on them.
I know others think of it as an adventure, but oh how I hate moving.
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe