Originally Posted by dc_dux
What do we know, from independent sources....not partisan editorials?
or should we also demand ethics investigations on the basis of every claim of Republican unethical behavior in liberal editorials.
We know the current status of Countrywide.
Some believe Fannie Mae is insolvent depending on how assets are valued.
We know about abuses in the secondary mortgage market.
We know how many homes are being foreclosed upon.
We know there is important legislation being considered affecting the industry , millions of families and billions of dollars.
We know Jim Johnson stepped down from Obama's vetting committee for something he did not consider wrong but was worth setting down over.
We know Conrad donated money to charity, felt the need to go public over something he did that was questionable.
We know about a "friends" of the CEO of Countrywide program.
If this involved one of Bush's people would your views on this be the same?