and thanks to your attitude and that of many around you i have to deal with a road full of suvs in my golf and volvo. thank you.
That kind of logic makes no sense. If we follow that rule of logic no one should drive cars because bicycles are less safe with a road full of cars.
so for the once in a while where the load capacity of an suv (which is matched by a normal wagon anyway) you will drive one around most of the time with 4 empty seats and lots of air in the cargo space. i hardly think the "100% of requirements" rule is logical, let alone sane.
Your reasoning only works if we are to have multiple cars. If I haul enough stuff to need a larger vehicle only 1/8th of the time, then the economic sense would be to have 1 larger vehicle, not 1 large/1 small. It makes no economic or logical sense to have a small car and a larger one so I can pick the best for the individual day. The difference in gas usage is minimal compared to the insurance/car statement/depreciation/etc of 2 cars.
and your point? will your suv get 40mpg going up that hill, thus nullifying that my golf will get 39.9? be serious! and as for "comfort," the golf has everything i need to get from a to b in comfort, including comfort itself. define "comfort" please.
If you're that happy with your Golf/Volvo why do you get so angry at SUVs?