Originally Posted by lotsofmagnets
i think iīm going to disagree with makia on this one. i think itīs understandable you want someone you love to be the best they can be, well as you perceive it anyway. she does sound like she is seriously overweight (obviously i canīt ask for pics to make a proper judgement) so i think the health angle is definitely a worthy point. may i suggest you lead by example. if you want her to work out then work out with her as it will improve her fitness and youīll be fitter for it as well and if she sees an improvement in you it might spur her on to do the same for herself. but kudos for caring
I think I'm beginning to see everyone's point, even if I can't directly relate to it.
I very much agree with the idea of leading by example. It's hard to want to lose weight when someone is just demanding it from you, but its different when someone wants you to do it WITH them.