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Old 05-28-2008, 03:11 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: under a rock

Image 2 and 5 are eloquent examples of youthful beauty. If that was my child, I would be proud.

Image 1, 3, 6, and 7 look like soft porn, like what you might find in an arty set on suicide girls. Image 6, especially, with the sweaty hair, parted lips, forward posture and impression of movement looks like a still-frame out of some ameteur porn. If that was my child I would be horrified.

I'm not arrogant enough to say "yes we can" or "no we can't" about naked kids, but I do know how I would feel if the girl in that photograph was my 13-year-old neice, and my reactions would be extremely mixed.

I think it's possible, maybe, for both the parents and the child to be mature enough to give consent to appear nude, but I am certain that my neice is not capable of understanding the full implications of her acts. For one thing, that girl almost certainly did not consider the possibility that her photos would appear here, in an internet forum designated "Sexuality", nor do I think she expected her images to appear in a news website next to such articles as "Deadly snake bites man's penis", as it does here.

It's easy to spout one opinion or the other, but whether you're saying all children are precious snowflakes who don't have genitals or saying that the f***ing MAN is breathing down our NECKS, dude, we need to acknowlege that there are no absolutes in this world. We can't even absolutely declare that any one of those images is, or is not, porn.

Someone out there is jerking off to them as we speak, I am certain of it.
There's no justice. There's just us.
Acetylene is offline  

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