This is just ridiculous. Those pictures are clearly not pornographic. They're art. An artist shot them, and put them up in an art gallery. I sure wasn't turned on by them. Granted, I'm also not a perv, but then, I would imagine most people aren't, either. Frankly, I liked the photos. I thought they spoke very well of the vulnerability and tentativeness of that stage in life. I mean, I probably wouldn't buy one and hang it in my living room, but if I saw them at a museum, I would enjoy the work.
The kids are young, sure, but not too young to understand what someone is asking of them by asking them to pose for artistic photographs in the nude. If they weren't interested, they would say no. If their parents had a problem with it, they would say no. Nobody was coerced or deceived.
If the kids don't have a problem with it, their parents don't have a problem with it, the artist and the art gallery patrons don't have a problem with it, why is it the government's business?
This whole thing is just out of control. Sure, of course nobody wants to condone or encourage pedophilia. But for God's sake, sometimes being naked isn't about sex! As far as I can tell, this whole incident seems designed to teach kids to be ashamed of their bodies, and to associate being naked with being exploited. This is so radically unhealthy that it is disturbing as hell.
Dull sublunary lovers love,
Whose soul is sense, cannot admit
Absence, because it doth remove
That thing which elemented it.
(From "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" by John Donne)