I dunno if anyone can help me out with this, but with all this UN talk being thrown out there, hasn't China, just like in the instance of Sudan, been backing the Burma Junta as is?
At any rate, this case is interesting if you are searching for ways to legitimize invasion of Burma. As far as corrupt/authoritarian governments go, Burma is most certainly not the worst (not trying to play it down), still no peach of a nation. They are inept and cruel no doubt, but that seems like a fairly shaky precedence to come in and crack some skulls.
And building off the UN, you have to factor in what a cluster fuck the scope of the mission would be. What, we go in gangbusters so we can get aid to the people? What does that mean for rules of engagement? What does that mean for the Junta? How long does the presence last? Where does the long term picture come in to play?
I'm all for helping people, and the Burmese guys are a bunch of jack asses I would have no problem offing. I guess one plus is there would probably be no cluster fuck insurgence like we have in Iraq, things would probably be more feasible and smooth. But then again instead of having a country like Iran start meddling in the affairs of the nation, we would probably be facing some major issues with China.
But the bottom line is the world community is spineless, so they'll blab and decry about the horrors facing the people in Myanmar, but they won't do shit. Tragic really, I can live and forgive selfishness, but spinelessness is no good.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.