I'll try to tell what I can without letting people know who I really am.
Back in high school I was one of those guys who raced his rice rocket. Most of the time it really wasn't particularly dangerous. We picked streets that were in commercial areas, so they were completely abandoned at night. The only real worry was crashing (which was rare driving in a straight line) or cops. So I was even more cocky and comfortable in the situation, leading to my complacency. We were all over the SF Bay Area and even went down to Santa Barbara and LA from time to time.
A particular night, I was out with friends. A confrontation presented itself and a young man pulled out a 9mm pistol. He was making threatening gestures and the gun went off twice, once into the ground and once through my calf. Everyone scattered like cockroaches and I got in my car and drove to a hospital.
I'm omitting the police and legal stuff intentionally.
Later, I had a chance to talk with the guy (we were acquaintances before the incident). He apologized up and down, saying it honestly was an accident. I believe him now, looking back. The gun was his father's. I believe it was purchased legally (though I don't know with 100% certainty).
The scar is still there, though it's faded quite a bit.
It was just dumb kids doing stupid things. I could have died had he waved it at the wrong place, but he didn't and I'm just fine.