Originally Posted by Shauk
What are her years worth though?
According to a recent CNN article, 20 years.
But you know what, I just did the same fucking thing he did, i just, in a round about way, said, the world is probably better off without her. Should I get sentenced now? Is my opinion and dislike of another person and exercising my so called freedom of speech worth locking me up?
So you emotionally harassed an unstable 13-year-old girl?
Originally Posted by n0nsensical
I don't think anyone here (I cant speak for those crazy Parents groups) is saying we need to censor the internet, or make it less free, trust me I'm the first one complaining whenever they pass new laws 'for the children', we're saying you should have some responsibility for your actions, virtual or otherwise. Harassment is already illegal. It doesnt matter if you do it over the internet, text message, hand-written letter, or verbally. If you follow a 13-year-old around in public telling them the worlds better off without them you're probably going to have some explaining to do too.
Well put.