If everyone thinks your sense of humor is inappropriate, the two possibilities are that 1: you're so far removed from normality that you're a danger to society, or 2: they need to lighten the fuck up and pull the broomsticks out of their asses. I was in category 2 for a long time thanks to the insistence on political correctness at school and my mom's attitude that "there are somethings you don't joke about" (turns out "something" means "almost everything, especially if it might upset someone else.")
Bad things happening to people are funny. Everyone laughs when someone falls down at their wedding, especially if they hit the cake. Everyone laughed when I superglued my finger to my teeth. Everyone laughs when a cat falls off of something and spends a few seconds looking confused. Everyone laughed when one of my friends said to me, "My boss reminds me a lot of you, Ian; he cut off his finger with a meat slicer yesterday and I had to drive him to the hospital." I'm not even going to get into the racial, ethnic, and sexual jokes my friends sling at each other that would probably make my mother's ears catch fire.