Originally Posted by loquitur
The Repubs aren't done for but they will be a minority party for at least the next decade, and deservedly so. They had their chance to run the country and made a royal hash of it.
It took only 12 years for the GOP to become toxic due to its own misbehavior. That's after a 40 year period at the end of which the Dem behavior amounted to much the same thing. If you credit the Feiler Faster Thesis, it will take the Dems much less time as a majority party this time to become corrupt, extreme and out of touch. And then the next cycle after that will be even shorter.
Toxic behavior and corruption are mitigating factors, but IMO, the decline of the Repub party and its likelihood as a minority party for a relatively long time to come is due more to its ideological agenda and subsequent policy decisions and actions.