Surprisingly the 96/24 version appears to be more compressed and clipped. Something must have gone terribly wrong.
Here is an example - Amplitude statistics and waveform screenshots from Adobe Audition:
44.1 kHz 16-bit, Track: 10 Demon Seed, passage: 3 min 50 s - 4 min 00 s
Left Right
Min Sample Value: -32766 -32766
Max Sample Value: 32765 32765
Peak Amplitude: 0 dB 0 dB
Possibly Clipped: 0 0
DC Offset: -.037 .013
Minimum RMS Power: -8.42 dB -5.46 dB
Maximum RMS Power: -5.15 dB -2.08 dB
Average RMS Power: -6.41 dB -4.15 dB
Total RMS Power: -6.38 dB -4.06 dB
Actual Bit Depth: 16 Bits 16 Bits
Using RMS Window of 10000 ms
96 kHz 24-bit, Track: 09 The Four of Us are Dying, passage: 3 min 50 s - 4 min 00 s
Left Right
Min Sample Value: -32768 -32768
Max Sample Value: 32768 32768
Peak Amplitude: .01 dB 0 dB
Possibly Clipped: 75 439
DC Offset: -.099 .038
Minimum RMS Power: -7.64 dB -4.06 dB
Maximum RMS Power: -3.39 dB -.61 dB
Average RMS Power: -4.83 dB -2.76 dB
Total RMS Power: -4.8 dB -2.7 dB
Actual Bit Depth: 24 Bits 24 Bits
Using RMS Window of 10000 ms
(Both songs are the same. As said before, there appears to be a naming error.)