I spent about a year living in a low income, mostly black area in my early 20's. I never had any major issues living there, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a heightened sense of awareness to trouble while there. When my girlfriend would visit we would meet outside of the area and I'd 'escort' her in. I suppose it was racist to do so but this is after I witnessed said unprovoked violence, and I ended up marrying the girl, so if anything happened to her I'd have been rather upset.
I understand this. After all, I am a minority in the community I live in. But the only 'trouble' I ever witness is occasional fighting by the pool and loud teenagers at night. If I'm ever in fear of men, it is pretty much on an equal basis. Meaning it doesn't matter what their race is, from what I've observed of the world, men (particularly disenfranchised young men) are the overwhelming threat. Or, to put it in another way, I don't see black men as a particular threat to
me. Nor should you.
What does it matter? Crime is crime.
Wait...I had to come back to this...why does it matter? Because understanding the statistics counteracts the hysteria that is whipped up in people by not understanding them...especially when they are used as such deliberately.