I will go with this mostly,
I pre heat my oven to 500 degrees
put my biggest cast iron skillet in
get the thing as hot as it will get
while preheating
I rub some oil on my steak (I prefer a good rib eye for this)
and will usually put some salt and pepper on it
once the oven has heated twice (told me it reached temp, then started heating again, then turned off)
I take the hot pan, put it on my hottest setting on my stove, and slap the steak in it. let it cook for 2 min on each side, then straight into the oven for about 6 min
probably go 7-8 min for med.
make sure you let it rest for at least 10 min before cutting into it.
Originally Posted by MSD
Broil a 3-pound steak on the top rack of the oven (2" away from the heating element is ideal) by heating the pan with a bit of high-temperature oil (olive or peanut works,) throwing the steak on for 10 seconds to sear the side, flipping it to sear the other, then cooking for 7 minutes on each side. You might want to go up to 8 minutes per side since I like mine rare and 7 leaves it nice and juicy on the inside.