I feel kinda like I was talked down to at work and it's kinda bugging me.
troubleshooting someone's email issues, basically they've got a hosted webspace that has email capabilities both via pop.domainname.com and a control panel page running hordemail (kind of a web-based email for the webspace)
anyways, this lady has about 20 email accounts with us and just ONE of them, happens to be configured on a mac with thunderbird. She was having duped messages everytime she went to go check it.
She called me up for support and quite frankly, I TIRE of these inane calls at times where people can't logic their way through some of the simplest issues.
Think for a moment, you have 20 accounts and they all use the same server, but this one computer is duping the messages, it's our problem?
anyways, I log directly in to her webspace/hordemail with one computer and log in to my support email account with another, send an email over from that one to her address and ONE message shows up, as suspected.
I tell her to check her mail
she says she got two
I was able to reproduce this 4 times, I was also able to pull up this as a known issue with thunderbird, I was also able to find a plug-in for thunderbird that specifically was written to removed duped messages since this was a known issue and people took it in to their own hands.
So then, she pretty much pretends to agree with me that it's her problem.
well she then calls back after I'm off work and talks to my co-worker.
I come back in the next day and notice some dialogue about this account between my other co-worker who doesn't seem to have a clue as to what is going on, and a sr admin, where he's just asking "whats wrong with her account?"
I try not to bug the sr. admins with trivial B.S. like this because it's not really what they do, and it makes you look bad if you can't handle it.
anyways I shot off an email explaining everything I did, in full detail, then I get this...
To prove the statement "it's a client issue" you have to see both
instances of the message with full headers. Comparing headers you can
tell if the message was delivered twice or it was downloaded twice.
It's the only right way. No conclusion based on suggestion!
You better contact to the customer and ask for such samples forwarded
to you or directly to postmaster
anyone else here think he's a bit wrong with "it's the only right way"?
you basically have one computer showing you the real contents of the mailbox, and another one sending one copy of said message to this mail box.
you send one, and it receives one, and "tada" she recieves 2?
I guess he could be right but, damn, 1 out of 20 accounts, known issue with thunderbird, and all other evidence would just suggest I'd be in the clear.