Originally Posted by willravel
If you're already drunk then you've made the wrong decisions. If you're not drunk, then I'm not sure what you're arguing. It's a catch-22, I know, but it's how I prefer to argue.
Have a good night's sleep. 
This is turning into abit of a threadjack so heres the last thing I have to say about booze...
Hell if I'm already drunk then I've made the right decision.

You seem to suggest that there is only one point of inebriation. Which of course is false. Am I inebriated when I go out and have three or four beers? Sure I am. Would it be wise to drive or operate heavy machinery? No but I'm still able to make decisions. Add in a few more pints am I still able to make decisions with more than just a 50/50 shot of making the right one? Hell yes. Am I inebriated? More than likely.
What I'm saying is that there is more than just sober or falling down drunk. When I say I'm able to cut myself off I'm talking about when I'm drunk but out of control. Okay I'm done talking about booze now back to cigarettes.
Originally Posted by willravel
That's a pretty weak assumption. I still smoke cigars, though not often.
Sorry what I should have said is you have never been a smoker. Not a cigar here and there but a pack a day full blown smoker.
Originally Posted by willravel
I'll tell you what, show me a hamburger that has chemicals that are as physically addictive as nicotine and I'll support a ban on it.
Really you should already know about the great health benefits that fast food burgers full of

. I never said that they contain the chemicals that cigarettes to just that they are a) bad for you and b) may be addictive depending on which side you fall (remember for a long time cigarettes MAY have been addictive too)
Originally Posted by willravel
Suicide is illegal.
Originally Posted by Websters Dictionary
Main Entry:
1 sui·cide
Latin sui (genitive) of oneself + English -cide; akin to Old English & Old High German sīn his, Latin suus one's own, sed, se without, Sanskrit sva oneself, one's own
1 a: the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally especially by a person of years of discretion and of sound mind b: ruin of one's own interests <political suicide> c: apoptosis <cell suicide>2: one that commits or attempts suicide
When I was smoking I (and I assume the same of most smokers) had zero intention of taking my own life. Are there health risks? Sure but I also drove a care in rush hour in Toronto.
Originally Posted by willravel
Would you also defend someone's right to use heroine? Because cigarettes are actually more dangerous than heroine (aside from cutting and dirty needles).
Hey lets get pot legalized first, then we'll talk about harder drugs.