Originally Posted by m0rpheus
I am well aware of what the reason behind the enjoyment of smoking is will. Thanks for sharing though. I assume you have never smoked so you only have clinical data to work with and never first hand experience.
That's a pretty weak assumption. I still smoke cigars, though not often.
Originally Posted by m0rpheus
It's suddenly the same as asking a drunk person if they should continue drinking? Guess what? I do it all the time. I go out and get drunk and stop myself because I know my limit. So if that's the case then I guess letting people choose to smoke must be okay in my books.
Rather weak fallacy. You might as well flip a coin. Why? Because of something called inebriation. Ever looked up inebriation in the thesaurus? Stupefaction appears right next to it. In other words, you've had so much alcohol that you've become quite stupid. What kind of decisions can one make when stupid? Bad decisions. What I'm saying is that it's nothing more than blind luck that you don't have another.
Originally Posted by m0rpheus
Like eating fatty foods? Tough. You may get health issues. Ban them.
I'll tell you what, show me a hamburger that has chemicals that are as physically addictive as nicotine and I'll support a ban on it.
Originally Posted by m0rpheus
It pisses me off when you non-smokers come in and try to tell the smokers and former-smokers all about cigarettes. Guess what? WE KNOW. We chose to smoke. Some of us chose to quit some of us haven't.
Suicide is illegal.
Originally Posted by m0rpheus
If someone wants to smoke, outside or in their home, I'll be the first to fight for their right to do so. If they want to quit, I'll gladly help them along in anyway I can. Why? Because unlike the non-smokers here I know because I've been there in both cases.
Would you also defend someone's right to use heroine? Because cigarettes are actually more dangerous than heroine (aside from cutting and dirty needles).