Originally Posted by m0rpheus
It pisses me off when you non-smokers come in and try to tell the smokers and former-smokers all about cigarettes. Guess what? WE KNOW. We chose to smoke. Some of us chose to quit some of us haven't.
If someone wants to smoke, outside or in their home, I'll be the first to fight for their right to do so. If they want to quit, I'll gladly help them along in anyway I can. Why? Because unlike the non-smokers here I know because I've been there in both cases.
So very, very true.
We have socialized health care here. I don't reckon cigarettes ought to be banned or excluded. If we start excluding people because they make bad choices, we're going to have a lot of out-of-work doctors.
Cigarettes are not like alcohol. Cigarettes provide a pleasure response, but they don't impair judgement like alcohol does. Smokers are able to make proper value decisions; in fact, I still maintain that's what continuing to smoke is. People smoke because they don't have a good enough reason to quit. Some people aren't overly concerned about the negative health effects. Hell, shocking as it is, there are folks out there who figure that if they live long enough for the lung cancer/emphysema to be a concern then they'll have done alright.