Originally posted by bender
Lebell, thanks for this thread it's given me alot to ponder.
I was going to come in here and ask why people join into a religion when God is subjective, but after reading what you've posted here I wouldn't want to come across as flippant.
Dear bender,
I'm glad this thread is providing grist for your mental mill, as that was it's intent.
I do not think your question is flip at all, it contains some interesting questions and ramifications, the first question being:
Is God subjective/relative or an absolute or (possibly) a combination of the two?
After years of studing the Christian and other world religions, I've come to the conclusion that God is definitely an absolute quantity but that it is our own flesh and blood limitations that make Him/Her seem subjective.
In other words, human beings have been struggling to understand a power that we call God and it is in that struggle that we grasp certain truths which we build whole religions around. These truths may or may not be closer to the mark, but like the blind men discribing the elephant, they only grasp a very small part of the picture.
This does not make the exercise any less valuable to us (or in my mind) to God.
(please see below to my reply to an atheist's viewpoint)