Originally Posted by powerclown
It'd be really cool if you sawed the initials "T.F.P." on one of those.
Well I'm in Mexico and my chainsaw's in Oregon. I have my grinder with me, if I get bored I'll see what I can do. Wood really scarce down here, but I was thinking about trying a parrot, maybe just the head since I never did get claws that looked right. If nothing else I'll carve "TFP Rocks" on a plank.
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Wow, these are awesome! You could totally sell those--though I'm not sure what the market is in Mexico for that sort of thing. As you know, they're very popular here. Very cool, Tully, thanks for sharing these.
I sold some of them. I had an on-line Christmas wreath business for a while. To show some friends and family what I was doing I added a little link, with no prices, just showing the bears. I got several people asking to buy them. Shipping just ran so high it wasn't really feasible. But I did send couple out. Some guy in Texas gave me $250 for a tiny bear on a swing. I think he paid about $75 to ship it too.
My neighbor had a garage sale one weekend and I was out carving. I must have sold twenty of those little trees, ten fish and a three or four bears that weekend. His wife was pissed when I wouldn't split some of the profits with them. Said they paid to advertise the sale so I should pay them. I offered to pay 50% of the ads- "no, I want 25% of your sales." Umm, no I don't think so. But thanks for playing have a nice day.