Riding a motorcycle has definitely made me a better driver, by the way. My awareness of other cars has gone up and now I seem to notice every little bump and pothole on the road, whether I'm riding or not. It's definitely a worthwhile experience if you're smart about things.
I've been riding for almost 3 years now. I thought about buying a small-engine bike to start, but then I figured I might as well just buy something that I will use for a long time... so I settled on a new Yamaha FZ6. Well... I laid it down (lightly) less than 3 weeks after I bought it. A part of me wishes I'd have bought a lesser bike or at least a used bike, but I fixed it up and I still have it to this day. It isn't too much for me to handle, but I really don't see the need to upgrade to anything faster.
I think riding a motorcycle is all about the skill and intelligence of the rider... someone who is wreckless/fearless is going to be wreckless/fearless regardless of the size of the engine they have. Personally, I would buy something between 500cc-750cc, and preferably used. Just take it slow and get used to it gradually, and that bike should last you a good 3-5 years before you truly outgrow it. Buying a lesser bike, especially a brand new one, just seems like a waste to me... you'll either outgrow it really quick, lay it down and have to repair it, or both.
"Tie yourself to your limitless potential, rather than your limiting past."
"Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him."