the speed of light is constant.
Which means that it is moving at C (in a vacuum, water and other mediums will alter this speed slightly)
This means that it will just take the light longer to get to the station for each moment traveling away.
Which is why when we are looking at the stars we are seeing into the past.
Light only goes so fast, thus by the time the light gets to us, it's representing something that got emitted years ago.
So the light getting to the station would be C, C+t, C+t+t2, C+t+t2+t3...or C+tn
"n" for whatever time it has been since the train left the station. (sorry, I couldn't find a summation character)
But this does NOT represent the velocity of light when it hits the station, it will still be C.
Only with an increase or decrease in velocity of the train, will the light shift wavelength (red or blue, respectively)
Which is why scientist are saying the universe is expanding, or the stars moving away from us with increasing velocity,
thus the red-shift.
Last edited by rogue49; 06-05-2003 at 04:29 AM..