Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
The compound is mercury fulminate.
He had a bloody nose.
Watch that part again, when he tosses it, he does his best to shield his face from the blast, which helped just a little bit, but not much.
I really like this show because it feels real, less direction, more lifelike I suppose.
I can see what you're saying Hagatha about the story seeming far fetched, but I disagree. I know a lot of people with lives just as compoundedly shitty as his.
What I love about this show is his struggle to keep the peace between both sides: the "american dream" everything's perfect and my family is great and quiet side, and the out of control, do it on a whim side. Gooood stuff

All but his wife, I really want to kick her ass, haha.
One of my favourite scenes is in the pilot when his son is mocked in the store, and he goes apeshit on the guy....awesome.
*kick* *grinds foot into calf* "What's wrong chief, having a little trouble walking?" BUHAHAH

The 7 episodes for the first season were great. I hope they fire up a second season.
Now that I think about it, Walter reminds me of my dad's persona...very quiet, but a real ticking timebomb if you push the right (or perhaps, wrong) buttons. hehe, maybe its a chemist's quality. Wow, I just realized they had quite a bit in common. To have that ability to really shock people with what you do or say, interesting stuff...
If my dad was still around, I think he would have liked this show.