Originally Posted by willravel
SCOTUS is stacked with conservatives.
Originally Posted by willravel
I was under the impression that the second amendment was a staple of conservative politics. Was that one of the things tossed out when the NeoCons arrived on the scene?
The second amendment was neither a liberal or conservative 'staple'. It was written specifically to allay the fears of the anti-federalists over the alarming power the constitution gave congress over arming the militia, thereby guaranteeing that congress could not disarm the militia.
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
The Neo-Cons are gungrabbers in sheeps' clothing. Bush promised to renew the Ugly Gun Ban if it hit his desk; only intense lobbying by GOA, CCRKBA and the Johnny-come-lately NRA kept that from happening. And any gunowner who thinks Hillary and her ilk wouldn't just LOVE to turn the USA PATRIOT Act and other such monstrosities loose on gunowners is deluding themselves. The Neo-Cons not only sold out gunowners themselves, they handed the gungrabbers a whole plate full of extra-Constitutional and -Judicial powers with which to harass the gunowning community.
The Neo-Cons are traitors on the gun issue, as on so many others.
Quoted for truth.
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
This truly is a disgusting election from a gunowner's perspective. We had one chance, just one, and we blew it. Unless the every other gunowner in the US is planning a write-in campaign and I missed the memo, we totally botched (or allowed to -be- botched -for- us by hostile interests) Ron Paul's primary run. There's eighty-friggin-million of us, for Christ's sake, and we couldn't get this man the GOP nomination. The -only- progun candidate in the field, the only such candidate in God-alone-knows HOW many years...and we fucking blew it.
Dune, the nominations were already stacked against us simply because of clinton and obama. With the 'angry white man' demographic, all it took was the spectre of a black man or a clinton woman in the whitehouse to unabashedly support mccain, leaving true conservatives pissing in the wind.
It also doesn't help that we have our own internal problems between the 80 million of us, such as little elmer fudds who will believe the bullshiat lies about nobody wanting to take away their huntin' gun and that nobody NEEDS an 'assault weapon'.
We are our own worst enemy because we can't come together.
Originally Posted by pan6467
I really don't see how they can confiscate guns from the owners. I just don't see it happening, it would be impossible to.
new orleans after katrina.