Originally Posted by scout
I was only asking if I understand everything correctly that has transpired or been written over the previous 6 pages.
And to say his pastor of 20 years isn't or doesn't espouse a racist point of view is rather disingenuous wouldn't you agree?
Supposing David Duke was a minister and McCain happened to sit under his tutelage and spiritual guidance for 20 years or so years then decided to run for president. Would we even be having this conversation? I think we both know the answer to that don't we?
On another note .... Comparing someone's pastor views to a family members view is a stretch at best. We can and do choose our spiritual or celestial guide but we can't choose our family members.
To answer your question... Based on your previous list I don't think you understood it at all.
I can see that you have already made up your mind that Rev. Wright is a racist and that by extension Obama should be painted with the same brush.
I am not going to waste the keystrokes necessary to argue to the contrary as I honestly feel it would be a waste of my time.
All I can say is that I am sorry you feel this way.