Originally Posted by Charlatan
Kramus is a Afghani terrorist?  Those hats are very warm... good choice considering the location.
Darn you Charlatan! I thought that after the great server purge of '07, when all images residing on the old server were erased, that border incident on the defunct Toronto/Rochester run was now forgotten
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
I'm as impressed by the hat as I am by the vista behind you, kramus.
It is lovely there at Banff, onesnowyowl. And as you can see I still had a hot Starbucks Tall-Bold brought from town to sip on, on thanks to the quick and efficient gondola ride to the top of the mountain.The Pakol hat lets the wind in, and can be itchy where the wool rubs the skin - that being said it is adaptable and pretty comfortable and leaves one with mimimal hat-head
I found it amusing how in Eastern Canada (Toronto) my hat evinces no comments. As soon as I enter cowboy country (Western Canada/Alberta) I am getting looks, and smiles, and have assorted Middle-East people come up and talk to me about my hat. They only see cowboy hats or baseball caps out there.
Originally Posted by ring
I need to line my Pakul Afghani hat with some flannel or something..
I find it very itchy....
That happens, ring. But if you line the hat with more than the silk that sits just under the top you will have something completely other than a Pakul hat.
If only we could all carry the look as well as Ahmad Shah Massoud, the assasinated Northern Alliance leader who's trademark hat has become a symbol of resistance to the Taliban.