Originally Posted by JamesB
I happen to have read many hundreds of scientific papers on environmental microbiology and chemistry. How much more informed / "qualified" do I need to be?
No offense taken. What's your background aside from paranoia?
No offence intended! Didn't mean to come across that way. I just don't understand complacency.
I'm sure all those papers are 100% accurate. Personally, I wouldn't trust that stuff with my life - been through too many filters and there's far too much money in the balance. Kind of like all the research grants at colleges that are funded by the pharm companies. There's a real system of checks and balances!
My background is as an informed consumer who reads a great deal from many sources including medical journals and the like and who has many business associates and friends that understand this stuff. And I'm a realist.
Thanks for pegging me as paranoid. I'm sure that's my prevailing problem. Good luck with your strategy - you have to go with whatever works for you.