Time span of Levitra : STAT
Tpop called me today to say he has 1 Levitra pill and could I meet him in 30 minutes. He is very excited, and has been looking forward to it. He was disappointed when I said no, just like a kid, and we made a date for tomorrow @ 1:00 p. Im not sure what to expect as far as time goes. I mean really how long are we looking at? A girl needs to plan for how much food to bring in, will there be enough hot water and towels, those sorts of things. Im also just a little afraid because Tpop is so excited and I cant bear his disappointment if it isnt as long as he hoped or if it is longer than I had hoped! I mean I do have to go to work the next day. So does anyone know what I might expect? He said he is taking "half a pill", but I dont know the dosage or any such thing. Interestingly, I think he does fine so I wonder if he has built this up in his mind or if he knows something I dont. Thank you for any help or info you might have.
I originally posted this in the Ladies Only Lounge but since time is of the essence Im also posting here in order to increase my odds on some info. I hope its kosher. Peace & love.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons...be cheerful; strive for happiness - Desiderata
Last edited by girldetective; 03-11-2008 at 08:10 PM..
Reason: Added the hurry up acronym : STAT