Originally Posted by Ustwo
Being new, you don't know me very well.
I am not puritanical.
I would never presume to think I did. If you note, I was careful to say that the opinion you expressed seemed puritan to me, not that I thought you were, generally speaking, puritanical. I have no reason to think that you would be so. I only think the single opinion seems that way to me. But I confess, on re-reading what I wrote, I can see how it looks that way, so I am grateful you didn't take personally what I didn't mean to convey at all....
Originally Posted by Ustwo
And still writing about how your child of 5, feels content or complete or whatever mumbojumbo when she sticks her fingers in her vagina seems odd and creepy to me as a father of two.
This sort of thing coupled with removing the child from public school is a red flag. This man (real or imagined) is not someone I would trust with children.
Hey, it's not the parenting attitude or technique I would use, either, but, being something of a borderline hippie myself from time to time, I have hung out with a
lot of hippies, and plenty of them were liberal about raising their kids without sexual inhibitions, and it didn't make them child molesters. It just made them people with slightly different prioritizations of self vs. socialization than many of the rest of us.