Originally Posted by willravel
We're more likely to be attacked by Bill O'Reilly than terrorists... and the military really didn't do anything to protect New York. The only way I'd need the military is if I were a contractor, and a lot of Berkeley agrees with me.
So accoding to the high minds (and horses) of Berkeley the only thing standing in the way of world peace is the United States military?
Will, I'll put it to you point blank: You are an ingrate. All that crap you spew in other threads about respecting veterans goes by the wayside in light of the whopper above.
Believe me, most of the military would be glad to be done with Berkeley, I'd venture a guess that we don't get a lot of quality recruits out of there anyway. Luckily for you, we conduct ourselves in as unbiassed a way as is possible, according to law and regulation. Pity not everyone can...
Originally Posted by willravel
A recruiting commander isn't DoD and he isn't following policy. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
So a US Army captain who is the O&T of a recruiting company is not under the perview or executing the policy of the DoD?
Wow, perhaps I need a lesson in government.