Originally Posted by dc_dux
So what you are saying is that you cant come up with any provable crimes committed by the Clintons other than having questionable friends.
Certainly nothing that compares with violating FISA (spying on American citizens w/o a warrant), the Presidential Records Act (destroying millions of WH e-mails) and lying to the public to justify an invasion and 5+ year occupation of a sovereign nation that posed no threat to the US.
Friends and cronies? I suspect if the government spent $40+ million investigating any political family, they would find questionable friends.
But nothing like the Bush family friends, the Saudi royal family.
BTW, I have never put the Clinton's on a pedestal. I just value a president who abides by his Constitutional oath.
Re-read my original post... I said there weren't provable crimes... if they were provable, the Clintons would be locked away but, theres enough smoke coming from that camp to warm the earth a good 20 degrees. Bill Clinton's blowjob was like tax evasion to Al Capone. It was what they tried to hang him because it had the best chance, but it wasnt what why the clintons were being investigated.
And on FISA I agree, that should be grounds enough to impeach bush, and all the congressmen who voted to retroactively give him and the telcos a get out of jail free card. Mrs. Clinton however, didnt bother to show up for that vote. And very few democrats in the senate took a stand against the bill as well.
I'm willing to bet, Mrs. Clinton is chomping at the bits to become president, and have the same kind of power just granted to the office, by way of the new FISA bill.