Originally Posted by Seaver
I like both Romney and McCain. The problem was that both were moderate conservatives. Everyone knew they were moderates, that's why they went so far early on.
McCain is more left than Romney, so he had to try to push himself as the "true conservative". Everyone knew he wasn't really that far right, so he never gained much traction.
Huckabee, if he ever got the nomination, would make Carter look like FD freaking R.
Seems to me like if they are such moderates that would help them in the general much more then the primaries. But I could certainly be looking at it wrong.
I think McCain's rise is good news for the GOP regardless of what Rush, Coulter et el have to say. I don't think Clinton has a chance against him. Too many people hate her too much. All the talking heads I hear talk about there being nothing that energizes the rights base. I'd say if you want to energize the right- nominate Hillary.
Even if she wins she have a 51-49% edge in regards to popular support, give or take. IMO, the last thing the US needs is another four years of half the country literally hating their President.
If it comes down to Clinton V. McCain I'll be voting for McCain.